Good Morning Lord! Thank you for this new day and for another - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Lord! Thank you for this new day and for another chance to get it right. It was an early wake-up call – and I am starving this morning – but I am feeding my appetite with You first. Thank You for this weekend. Thank You for the time with family and friends. Thank You for getting my brother and his family to San Antonio safely for a visit. Thank You for the work You place before us. It will be another busy week – but You know exactly what I can and will get done. Thank You for my health and for the ability to do what You need me to do. Help me serve others Lord as You have done and continue to do. Help me be patient and kind, gracious, friendly, strong on Your behalf and fearless to do Your will. There are so many things that I have been wanting to do – I know that if and when they are in Your plan – You will allow me to get them done. Help me to see the important and correct priorities in my life. Help me hear Your whispers – and act on them. I know that sometimes I get caught up in this life – help me to see clearly Your wishes, Your will and Your plan. Help me stay focused to share Your Love and Your Word with others. Help me understand the bible more. Today – please be with those in need of You. Please let them feel Your presence in their lives like they have never felt before Lord. Let them have peace, clarity and hope. Please be with my family and friends. Let them have trust in You. Let them see their blessings and if they are struggling, let them see it for what it is - a season - a circumstance and a part of Your plan to get them to the victory that you have in store for each of us. Help them see that when they give of themselves, the overwhelming joy it can and will bring. Help them see the blessings in their lives are all from You. May they understand that hardships, trials, struggles and uncertainty is part of life that can all be answered through You. And that through these times, You stand right there with them. They are never alone. Please give them peace beyond understanding that You are in control and that You want us to cast all our cares onto You Lord. I want others to feel the safety of Your love as I do. I want others to see the difference that one smile, one hello, one glance can make another feel. Let them be a blessing to others and if they need it, then let me be a blessing to them. God - please let anything that burdens them – illness, heartache, pain, stress, addiction, depression, loneliness, guilt, financial woes, sadness, uncertainty, marital problems, children problems, car troubles, doubt, ANYTHING – let them lay it all at Your feet – with the assurance that peace will engulf them and that You will never leave them. May they feel Your love as it should be – strong, protective, good, loving, caring, giving, understanding, compassionate, forgiving, ultimate and safe. Help us be better parents, better grandparents, better spouses, better mates, better friends and better people in our community. May we all follow Your lead and direction and put into action love and humanity within our own family, our friends and those in need. May we walk in Your light and try to be as You. May we understand that we can put into motion the change this world needs – one person at a time -- to make it one of kindness, and one of brotherly love. May we lose our selfishness, our pride, our sense of entitlement and give freely to others – as You have done for us – especially our love to each other. May there be less of us and so much more of You. Today Lord, let us choose YOU. Your Love is never failing, Your Love is all we need and in You alone I place my faith – Grant us all safety this day so we can be channels of Your peace, love and hope. In Your Name I Pray, Amen! It’s going to be a long, beautiful, and wonderful day. Make it count. Count your blessings, not your troubles and make someone else’s day special! A call, a smile, a note, a kind word, a wink – let them know they are worthy – it is free and can be contagious. What do you have to lose? Seconds? A few moments of time? God blessed you with the time – use is wisely, get it right and make it count! God bless each of you. Rock your day out! And as I like to say - - PEACE OUT!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 12:17:43 +0000

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