Good Morning, My goal is to become a No Collar Pro. To explain, - TopicsExpress


Good Morning, My goal is to become a No Collar Pro. To explain, I would like to share some wisdom from a friend: DAILY PENSE: As a Networker, where does your income come from? OBVIOUS ANSWER: It comes from the purchasing of goods and services offered by my company that is generated by me and my respective network that I have created over time. The more sales, the more income is generated for the company, the more I make. NOT SO OBVIOUS ANSWER: As a leader of your group, you make money every time people open their mouths and what comes out is information about your companies products or services. There are 1M things to talk about and 1,000 chances to talk about them. If what comes out of their mouth is an excitement about the products and services (P&S) they USE and how those P&S benefit their life, then sales are inevitable to follow. Change your approach from, "I must convince a few people to day to start selling my companies P&S." and switch the approach to, "I must share with everyone I meet today, whether intentionally or at random, how much I love the P&S I am using from XYZ Company" Remember, your sincere excitement and personally belief in what you have to offer will resonate with others... but will only be felt if you open your mouth. Robert A. McFadden No Collar Pro
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 15:13:39 +0000

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