Good Morning Oilers (no, not the football team), Yesterday, I - TopicsExpress


Good Morning Oilers (no, not the football team), Yesterday, I started by introducing what oil is and how quickly it’s running out. Today, I’ll touch on the strategic, economic and environmental impact that drive the political and social positions that you are dealing with as they become more important in the coming years. Strategically, oil runs the military, and keeps you and businesses going. Without oil planes, ships, vehicle, businesses and home will not be able to operate, anywhere. Therefore, the U.S. will do anything and everything possible to control the oil, here and anywhere else, even if it means going to war. Meanwhile, Russia and China and whoever else can get control of it are doing the same thing. Economically, oil is the main juice of the rich and powerful and of governments. It drives mostly all the goods and services and eventual profits of most businesses. It directly supports food, medicine and everything else that is created and transported to and for you. The fact is that if we remove oil from the world today, we will revert back to burning wood and living in caves. No shit. When the oil runs out, which as predicted will be in the next 30 or so years, chaos will follow and that’s a fact of life. Environmentally, well at two edge sword, we need it to survive but it will destroy our environment if we cannot properly manage it. Currently, we do not have the technologies, the mindset or the understandings of controlling the pollution factors that relate to manufacturing and transporting oil (petroleum) based products safely across farming and habitat areas. Worst yet, since mostly everything we use is a derivative of or is oil based typed product, disposal is a serious problem. Unfortunately, a majority of these products cannot be recycled; and, when disposed, they are usually sent to pile up in landfills, if they can. Otherwise, they are illegally disposed inside our forest, lakes, streams, ocean, caves, and city sewers, drinking waters seepage, etc.: eventually, polluting our habitats, killing plants and animals, or forcing other undesirable issues. The problem you people will have is to decide which political and industry leaders will better drive the strategic, economic and environmental outcome of the current dismal looking future. If a politician or leader are wasting their time (and yours) and meaningless issues, if they only complain about our religious or social graces, if they are only interested in separating people into classes or addressing anything else that doesn’t not focus on new sources of energy then stop wasting your time on them. They, for all intent are dead people. One last thought, we need to implement programs immediately convert our current oil based industries into another forms of energy, and it has to been done immediately; waiting will only make things worse. What’s really screwed up here in the U.S. is that the current politicians and leaders are slowing doing little to lead in the conversions; meanwhile, countries as China and many other nations are quickly leaving us behind, and that will mean that we as a nation will become the next 3rd world of slaves. And that is NO shit. Have a pleasant day diggers.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:21:03 +0000

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