Good Morning PIF (Pray it Forward) family - I hope in some small - TopicsExpress


Good Morning PIF (Pray it Forward) family - I hope in some small way your need for a prayer was felt and answered by our humble group. I have been thinking a lot about Curt Schilling and Shonda Schilling, Grant Schilling, Gabby Schilling, Garrison Schilling, and Gehrig Schilling, Patsy Blackburn Brewer, and Donald Brewer this week. I went back and re-read Curts post from December which is worth a re- read. Gratitude and Thanks for all that life HAS given us. In the midst of trauma, in whatever form that may be, health, financial, personal or ot6herwise, we tend to focus on THAT and forget to be grateful for all the things God has given us. I watched he and Gehrig walk out onto the field in Boston and my heart was full. Yes, Curt indeed you are a lucky man, with a wonderful wife and family and extended family. I know that you are grateful for that. I had my own trials last week with Pat and all went well with his heart surgery- My thanks to all for your prayers. Tomorrow he goes in to fix the aneurism in his legs, and I pray all will hold up with his heart during the surgery and that the aneurisms will be gone. Walking seems like such a simple thing, until you cant. Denise Karma Charms had a difficult week with a loss of a dear friend. My heart goes out to you Denise. Laura Brothers is struggling, I know. When the thought of losing someone (for me) or actually losing someone does happen, we all stop and wonder what if, the bucket list and all that. I am happy, I am whole, I am thankful for what God had given to me in my life. Today. I will make today count with gratitude. So for each worry we have, do what you can to blow it off your shoulder and replace it with a moment of gratitude for what you DO have in your life. What you HAVE been able to do - sometimes a long look back makes the present not seem so awful. So, this week in gratitude and prayer I join all my PIF family in a prayer for you, and for that one person out there who maybe cant look back and be grateful, we send a prayer out to you as well. As always my thanks and love to all my friends for your support and love. Alicia Wilde-Belinsky, Lori Brancato Pokladowski, Chetta King Squires, Carole E Santagata, Carole Vetto, Carol Agnello, Mary Freeman, Mary Beth Moran Nelsen, Suzanne Lynch, Beth Brooks, Beth Hines Czajkowski, Christian Nelsen, Holly Cairo, Christy Rameor Cairo, Debra Iassogna, Michael ODwyer, Pat Kelly, Pat Mongan, Marge West, for Gina Leon, Marlene Purcell Chesna, Madalene Taggart, Patty Isberg, Chuck and Shirley Brawn and Andy and Jackie Brawn, Don Grande, Jeff Easley, Nanette Faye Bartlett, Joseph Gregory, Heidi Johnson, Kelly Nelsen, Kelly Ahern Halstead, Rodney L Baker, Lois Freeman, Merri Vacca, Nancy Rogers, Rick Petrucci, Reka Athanasiadis, Diane Sorcinelli Walkinshaw,
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 11:08:39 +0000

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