Good Morning People! - TopicsExpress


Good Morning People! Success. "Many of us today think of success as being able to obtain monetary and or material possessions and or as well as fame and whatever they consider fortune to be. In actuality, success is much like an opinion; everybody has one and they all differ in one way or another. One man‘s Rolls Royce may very well be the next man’s pinto, and one family’s trip to Jamaica may very well be another family’s trip to Grandma’s house. While many men and women try to become recognized with accomplishments that fit the “Status Quo” of particular people in society(s), who feel that success is measured by being known all over the world and becoming immortalized by history books and statues after death “I” would rather be recognized by the minority who like to be noticed, but shun exhibitionism, and feel that “true success” is not measured by ones monetary status nor political clout, but by being or continuously trying to become in tune with ones “self’, mentally, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually. In my opinion, to conquer self is true success!" Moe Better
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 12:31:22 +0000

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