Good Morning!!! Welcome To Another Great LORDS Day Courtesy Of - TopicsExpress


Good Morning!!! Welcome To Another Great LORDS Day Courtesy Of God!!!! I hope everyone is feeling Great this morning!!! Its a Great Day In The LORD!!! Where are you going??? Now I dont mean Heaven or Hell!!! Although thats a good question too!!! It seems that everyone wants to take the easy way now days!!! As far as life, we all want to take the paved roads, the smooth roads!!! No bumps, no potholes and no detours, the easy way!!! As the old saying goes, sometimes its best to take the road less traveled!!! Yes there are all kinds of bumps!!! And yes there are all kinds of potholes!!! And yes there are many many detours!!! Its these rough roads, these detours that teach us the things that are important in life!!! Its through each rough spot in the road that we learn to depend on, and trust in GOD!!! I would not take anything for the lessons Ive learned on the back roads and detours of my life!!! But no matter which way we choose to go, the easy way or the hard way!!! Do you know where you are going??? If you dont know where you are going, how will you know when you get there??? In each area of our lives, we have to set some sort of goal, some sort of direction with a destination in mind!!! If we stop winging it one day at a time, and set a goal, a destination, we can see our progress!!! If not we could wander around aimlessly our whole lives!!! Many Christians are doing just this!!! And then when they get older and begin to look back and examine their lives, they come to the realization that they really havent done much for GOD at all!!! Yes we have prayed!!! Yes we have gone to church and worshipped!!! Yes we have read our Bibles!!! But what have we done beyond that??? Today so many people seem to be so busy finding the flaws in other people, they dont have much time left to serve GOD!!! Before we start looking for all the flaws in other people, we need to look in the mirror and check out our own flaws!!! I assure you that none of us are flawless!!! Maybe its time to try to make a few changes in our lives!!! Step out of our comfort zones a little!!! Sometimes the only way we are ever going to make things change in our lives is to step out in Faith!!! Once we take the first step, GOD will guide the rest!!! We just have to have enough Faith, not only in GOD, but in ourselves!!! And we need to remember, GOD may never give us everything we want in life!!! But we can be assured He will give us everything we truly need in life!!! And for most of us theres a big difference in the two!!! Ive made a lot of mistakes in my life!!! Im guilty of backsliding!!! Im guilty of coming dangerously close to giving up!!! But the one thing I regret the most is how little Ive really done for GOD!!! I regret the many many times Ive let GOD down!!! I regret that my youth was all but wasted!!! Today can be our day!!! Today can be a new beginning!!! Start today and set a goal for your service to GOD!!! Set your goals, determine what you want your destination to be and step out in Faith!!! GOD will direct your path!!! And if GOD takes you on a detour or two, enjoy the scenery and absorb the lessons!!! Soak up everything there is to learn!!! Have a Great Journey, a Great Adventure!!! Let Us Pray!!! Our Kind And Gracious Heavenly FATHER, as we come before Your Precious Throne Of Grace this morning, we come in thanks!!! Thank You DEAR LORD for seeing us through the hard times in our lives!!! Thank You GOD for the lessons and knowledge we have been privileged to gain along the way!!! FATHER please help us to always have a thirst deep down in our souls to be closer to You!!! LORD PLEASE give us a thirst that can only be quenched through reading and studying Your Holy Word!!! Please fill our hearts and minds with the knowledge needed to be a better servant to You LORD!!! FATHER help us to examine our lives and set good sound Christian Values as one of our goals!!! Help us DEAR LORD to strive harder every day to be a better servant, a better Child Of GOD!!! Please LORD if we start to have thoughts of giving up, take us by the hands and by the hearts and lead us back on the right paths!!! Take selfishness out of our lives LORD!!! Take greed out of our lives LORD!!! Take hate out of our lives LORD!!! Please replace them with a true and Genuine love for everyone we meet LORD!!! Please look down this morning and see our needs, and place Your Sweet Love where we seem to think all the needs are!!! If You will do that LORD, we will no longer have a need!!! FATHER please touch those in our communities who are sick today LORD!!! Give them the healing touch that only You have the Power to give!!! FATHER We Will Give You The Honor, The Praise And The Glory For Every Single Thing You Do In Our Lives!!! All This We Pray In Your Precious Heavenly Name Amen!!! May GOD bless each and every one of you with Love and Happiness today, is my Special Prayer for you!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!! Jack
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:47:03 +0000

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