Good Morning World!! Today, I want you to join me in saying, I AM - TopicsExpress


Good Morning World!! Today, I want you to join me in saying, I AM IN CONTROL. Too often we have allowed people, possessions & our placement dictate how we feel, react & respond, but you have to tell yourself, I AM IN CONTROL!! When someone has the power to control your mood & attitude, thats a dangerous spot to be in; Nobody, I mean absolutely nobody should have that much power, influence & authority in your life to pull your strings like a puppet, program you like a robot & cause you to react as they desire. I was telling a friend about two weeks ago, if someone has that much authority, thats when you need to re-evaluate the relationship & it may be best that you MOVE ON because while you are stressing & sobbing, they are living & moving, so MOVE ON!! Often times we have made statements like, I cant live without this person or my life would be a wreck without you, but can I be REAL, its some folks that have left my life, my clique & my inner circle & I am living, enjoying & God has sent others to fill that spot or he has healed me from their departure, so trust me, you can LIVE WITHOUT THEM!! Real talk, you were LIVING before they came anyway, SMH!!! So get a grip & realize that YOU ARE IN CONTROL!! Secondly, possessions have controlled our mood, meaning some of us are stressed out trying to obtain things & some of us are frustrated because we dont have certain things, causing us to destroy great connections, agitate others & live miserable & exhausting lives. Whether you have or dont have, choose to be HAPPY!! There is something in life called the HAND OF GOD & by his hand he can bless you with the very things that you are trying to obtain & the very things that you need; So relax & tell yourself, I AM IN CONTROL!! Thirdly, our PLACEMENT, where we are & where we stand has caused many of us to be in our feelings, upset & depressed & even being MAD with GOD!!! There is this one thing called TIMING & at Gods APPOINTED TIME, you will be where you desire to be!! Paul stated in Philippians 4:11, For I have learned in whatsoever state I AM IN, therewith to be content. So no matter where you are, be content, not necessarily satisfied, but make a decision to make that state you are in work for you & BE HAPPY cause you are IN CONTROL!! Finally, David said it best when he declared in Psalm 34:1, I will bless The Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth; David made a choice, whether people are with me or against me, whether I have obtained possessions or have none, whether I am in a good place or waiting on my moment to be in a different place, I WILL PRAISE The Lord; that doesnt sound like David is letting anything or anyone control his mood & you shouldnt either cause YOU ARE IN CONTROL!! Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:15:36 +0000

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