Good Morning World on this the start of a brand new week :) I hope - TopicsExpress


Good Morning World on this the start of a brand new week :) I hope you all had a brilliant weekend and now are refreshed and ready to face what every challenges come your way. Mr Lovatt has gone off to work and a day of cleaning for me as couldnt do much yesterday due to 7 injections I had in my shoulder ( well 1 in the shoulder joint and 6 in the trigger points ) so fingers crossed next time I go he will do my lower back as they cant do them all at once :( The Huskyteers are all chilling at the moment after Miss Chaster smarty pants getting me up by pulling quilt off me and licking my legs so I would get up and then she comes downstairs and settles herself on the couch and goes to sleep, the cheeky madam LOL. Life sometimes is a riddle that we are given and we have to find the answer to, sometimes it is a great riddle and sometimes its a hard one that may have several answers to and we have to find the one that fits. Well we are the only one that can find the answer to our own personal riddle, we cant make someones answer make fit our riddle, in other words dont try and live your life in the footsteps of someone else. You are a guide in your own personal pathway called life, so dont expect another guide who does not know your pathway to show you the way. Yes of course we can help and assist our fellow man but it is up to the individual to make their own choices, you can offer them solutions to their riddle but it is far better that they choose their own answer as then it cant come back to you when they find the answer you gave them was the wrong one :) You can lead a horse to water but unless it decides it is thirsty it wont drink ;) Life is often full of metaphors and to quote the great William Shakespeare from As You Like It - All the worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and entrances. - In other words we have our own stage to perform on and we can only decide for ourselves when is the correct time to make an entrance and when to exit and no other player can tell you when to do it :) Unless of course you have a dog like Miss Chaster who tells you when to get up and start performing your daily rituals LOL Yes I may be a crazy weirdo but I like and admire William Shakespeare and I personally believe he was ahead of his time and even to this day his writings can still be related to events that are occurring both in our personal life and life in general. It is never too late to begin learning new things and to change your life, if you have a dream you have always wanted to fulfil, then go and do it, it doesnt matter if you fulfil all your dream or part, it will still be a new beginning, a new challenge for you to partake in that will refresh you and give you new riddles to attempt. I am not a clever or gifted person but I enjoy trying new things as it gives me that sense of worth that we should all have, that feeling that we have achieved something, no matter how small we have done it. Even managing to hoover the entire house is an achievement in its self these days for me, but even if someday I dont manage to do all of it I have still attempted to do it and not just said Oh I cant do it and not do it at all. We can do anything we put our minds to, we may not to do it the same way as someone else would or do it as good as another, but the greatest thing is we tried. Remember when our parents used to say Just do your best well why do we feel inadequate when we dont do something as good as another - we have done our best and thats what counts. Sometimes in life we set ourselves goals that are too hard to reach, but just look at your goal again and set the bar a little lower and then you can only go up and not down. So in conclusion I guess the words for today are - do it your way, think only positives and never put yourself down by comparing yourself to another. We are all unique in every way, but we all have free will and all have choices, yes I know that you could argue that you have to go out to work to pay the bills, but we also have the free will to decide how we spend our free time, do we spend it thinking about the things we cant or havent done instead of spending it thinking of the things we have achieved and how well we have done on this individual journey of OUR life and not allow others to put us down by saying You cant do that well maybe we cant do it the way they do it but we can do it in other ways and still get results. So on I go doing the cleaning MY WAY as good old blue eyes sung I Did It My Way :) Sending Love, Light and Peace to all, enjoy your day and dont set the goal post too high but just high enough for you to score and achieve some of your dream.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:10:44 +0000

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