Good Morning!!! You were on my mind as always as I rise this am. - TopicsExpress


Good Morning!!! You were on my mind as always as I rise this am. So many people want to be healthy they just dont know where to start. Its over whelming to change or they have every excuse in the world to WHY they CANT. You are worth it for one and your family needs you is the best excuse in the world. Your Family needs your Money to survive or do fun things not your local DOCTOR Practicing Medicine. Look in the Mirror and honestly tell me if you are happy with who or what you see? Will you be able to go to your kids ball games, awards assembly, dance recital, camping, hiking, biking, graduation, wedding, grand babies and so much more??? Life is what we make it people. And most and first is what is your family gene pool do you have disease and other faults that run in your gene line? You can cure things you know, you can by pass the family heratige of that awful news your doctor could give you one day. IF AND WHEN YOU START TAKING CARE OF YOU. It is the most Amazing thing in the world is to get up and feel good. To feel like every little step you take torward a better life you feel it, you live it. I can run with my kids, I can keep up with Ava for the most part. I am doing things I have never done before and I love it. My friends and I will be hiking and doing things this summer that I never felt I could or wanted to do now that I can its so addicting. Changing my lifestyle almost two years ago was one of the best things I have done for myself and my family. Yes I have cried, yes I have been PISSED OFF, yes I have wanted to quit, yes I have had days I didnt want to work out and I did, yes I have had days I really wanted to eat that and I did. After you stop eating the crap and you do eat the crap oh your body lets you know how bad that is. I have hurt for a couple days cause I ate something not so good for me and its not worth it believe me. I dont have the cravings anymore. Once you get the bad foods out of your diet its easy to say NO and to stick to it. Thought my progress is slow and sure. We all want the quick fix diet for the fat to fall off and be fit and happy for if this was easy everyone would do it. I look at people in bad health that are older and thats what makes me stronger to THAT IS NOT WHO I WANT TO BE AT 65 OR older. I dont want oxygen hanging out my nose, I dont want a cane and cant walk, I dont want two baggies full of meds to bring when I go to the doctor. Who do you want to be when you look in the mirror? Look at your kids as they play and grow what kind of life do you want for them as they get older? I want you to look 10 years a head and imagine where your health will be if you stay on this same path you are traveling. I know its hard and I know it will suck as I have been there I have lived it and I have struggles, cried, yelled, gave in BUT I NEVER GAVE UP. Let me help you for FREE let me be your guidance or inspiration to CHANGE to who you want in the future. Little by little we can get you happy again, to smile to laugh, to love who you see. To be the image that makes your family proud. Message me I would love to talk to you, I know your watching let me hear your voice.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 13:22:33 +0000

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