Good Morning I promised I am going to touch on the break - TopicsExpress


Good Morning I promised I am going to touch on the break down of the black family nuclei and how the event came to pass for two families, Mike Brown and Vonderritt Meyers and in talking about it, can shed light in the past events that are tearing our cities apart: One of my subscribers asked the question of the deterioration of family values and responsibility, and that is a smart question and hopefully I can make some sense of it all. The people of the Ferguson community where Mike Brown lost his life that August afternoon was raised by a single mother and that is somewhat all to typical in the black culture and it might have been part of his demise. And, again I am speaking from MY prospective here. When you have children having children and becoming the product a single parent house hold it is hard to raise a child in a community that see you as a failure at birth and the odds are already stack against you. And, when you are having babies as young as 11, 12, 13 years of age? How, does one instill family values in you when the very parents that suppose to guide you are babies themselves? The break down starts their RESPONSIBLITY. Now, I will no doubt take heat for this, but it IS the truth. When you keep perpetuating the cycle over and over again, you have people LIKE Mike Brown and Vonderritt Meyers that think it IS okay to do as they please and have NO respect for other people, community and themselves. Now, We all know they came from single family households and Mike Brown DID have a father figure in his life, but that does not guarantee he will stay on the straight and narrow, it comes back to the choices you make in life. When you have babies raising babies and those babies didnt learn nor have any one to shape them and teach them, you tend to become the product of your environment sad...but, I have seen it and lived all around it. Case in point, my husband as a police officer had a sick case, and responded to the residence. As he arrived and was met by a woman that was just 24 yrs old she said her daughter need to get the hospital, as he approached the girls room, she was in full labor.....that girl was just 12 yrs old and having a baby. Now, what happened here? The mother was totally pleased and beside herself that she was going to be a grandmother at 24! Really? And, she was going to be the envy of her friends because she was going to be a good looking granny.....OH MY GOD!!! He said, at moment he wanted to slap the dog piss out of her, I can understand. When you do things like this you give white America ALL the ammo the need to see us in this light. We are more than baby making machines, waiting for a hand out from the government. How do we prevent the making the Vonderritt Meyers of the world when we think this is ok? Its not! Family value gets pushed aside and trampled on all for what? As I scrolled through Facebook and look at some of the postings I came across a picture of four young black women in mini skirts with their butts stuck up in the air, we are more then or asses and thighs! You rip away little by little of family values and yourself respect. Now, I have a daughter that is a single mother, but she is the exception to this rule. She was married, had my beautiful granddaughter, she divorced and while she was going through that as a single mother, she still got her PHD and is teaching as a professor. She grew up in a single parent household and her biological mother was verbally abusive and at sometime physically, until I got her. She had a choice at that young age to except what her then mother said she was or prove her wrong. I am glad she didnt listen. The people that live where Mike Brown lost his life are mostly made of single mothers, with no role models to guide them and teach them different how do we avoid this in the coming weeks, months and years? Black men you ARE more than just what swinging between your legs, Making all the babies DOESNT make you a man!! What makes you a MAN is that you STOP making all these babies and take care of the ones you brought here! And, my black sisters you are MORE than your hips, butts and thighs! stop having these babies and if you MUST get busy? BIRTH CONTROL is free! And, if he doesnt want to slap a rubber on his Jimmie? Tell him it aint happening!!! STDs are on a all time high in our community. Have some pride for yourself and for the children you have here and dont sale yourself short. You are strong and beautiful and you are more than TWEERKING if you what to save the children you have? Here something teach them something other than the Lil Wayne songs and Jay Z songs!! Make them pull their pants up and if they dont? Do what I did to my own son, I caught that fool in the mall with his friends with his pants down around his ass....I simply walked up to the lil genius and gave him such a wedgie! I yanked him up so hard, I though I saw my future grandkids...yep I sure did! Be parents, be vocal, be visible, be there, but most of all be RESPONSIBLE!! we as a black community are not stepping up to the plate when it comes to family values and morals. And, I feel thats the problem with the nuclei of the black families, yes we preach it but, preaching is not cutting it when we have four (4) murders in less then 24 hour period. We are killing ourselves for what? Babies having babes, no structure with in our communities and no one to tell the truth....until now. In the black community we have be come complacent with the way things are, instead of what things SHOULD be. I was raised by a single mother with eight (8) siblings she did the best she could and she was there, I had a grandmother that was wise beyond her years and she was an extremely strong woman and she help guide us and steer us in the right way and I am so grateful for her being there for me. I think it ALL comes right down to choices we make, either we left or right it is ultimately up to us a individuals, are we going to make something out of ourselves or are we going to blame society for our circumstances? Are we going to live the hand life dealt us? Or are we going to reshuffle the deck and get a better hand? You can be raised in a two parent housed and still end up on the wrong side of the law, you can be raised in a single parent household and become a doctor, lawyer even president! By point is, it is all about the choice and path YOU as and individual choose for yourself. And, that is to me the truth. Responsibility starts within YOU and no body and shape and mold you better then YOU. For you can be more than gang banger, murderers, thugs and drug dealers and thieves! It doesnt have to be this way for you, for following this way of thinking? It leads to two places for YOU jail or dead and sometimes BOTH, a mother shouldnt have to bury her child, you should be burying us. This cycle can be broken if we ALL reach back and pull up the next generation and show them there IS more to life then a Lil Wayne song. My Thoughts.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 14:07:55 +0000

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