Good Morning and Happy Friday everyone! Sun is shining, birdies - TopicsExpress


Good Morning and Happy Friday everyone! Sun is shining, birdies are chirping their melodies of LOVE, Ocean is as calm as a sheet of perfectly formed glass, sand is as soft as if winter never happened... Parker left for school this morning and said the MOST beautiful thing a mother could hear! Mommy, you are the BEST thing that ever happened to me, I LOVE YOU! Have a good day! Life should always be this SIMPLE and NICE... We are all in Dog Years now! Some of us raising children on our own, some of us struggling to make it on our own, some of us in jobs that we are too qualified for, some of us wanting to make a difference but dont know where to start... In sitting in the quiet of my own Fortress of Solitude for the last few weeks, it can be very awakening! Often times we are so busy in our day to day lives that we forget who we are! We take other people opinions as fact when we know differently, we process and over a rocking chair moving back and forth...going nowhere and having nowhere to go! When in fact, if we rid ourselves of the negativity...the processing STOPS! Think of all the wasted energy we place upon negative words and thoughts, yet when a compliment comes we dismiss it too quickly as if not even heard. Why do we wish to live in that place? We all do from time to time! We are programmed to believe we are at must be us. I came across a card while cleaning yesterday which read: My Dearest Friend, How wonderful to have you in my life! It has been many years since I loved someone or had the need for a Valentine. God has certainly answered my prayers and exceeded my expectations. I am grateful and honoured to have you as my girl! All my Love, XXXXX Words that came from the heart! The beautiful place where happiness and rainbows exist daily. The place where negativity cant live for it is smothered out! A place where fairytales and Happily Ever After is not folklore. If we choose this place, anger is non-existent! Feeling bad about oneself doesnt live... We have this ability to give this to everyone. LOVE in the purest form. Lift people up, not tear them down. Remember that love lives in you. It takes more effort to be angry than HAPPY! Look in the mirror and say 10 nice things to yourself, DAILY! Be that person who people wonder about...Why are they so HAPPY? Smile often! There are always going to be those that fabricate the truth to suit their needs of you. When you know they arent true, focus on WHAT is true without revisiting the hate or combating it with hate. No one wins that fight! So, here are my 10 things: 1) My son said I was the BEST thing that ever happened to him. 2) God has carried me piggyback for a long time, I am a devout Catholic. 3) At 43, I look good! 4) I am very generous and give from my heart! 5) I am loving. 6) I am a good person. 7) I have a career. 8) I have the ability to travel where and when I want. 9) I am loyal and devoted person to my friends, family and those I love. 10) I make mistakes, like everyone else...yet I am accountable and ask forgiveness as I forgive those who wrong me. I am forgiving. Pay it forward. I love you, All! Be the Change you want to see in the world. Namaste.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 12:08:29 +0000

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