Good Morning and Happy Saturday!! Hope everyone is having an - TopicsExpress


Good Morning and Happy Saturday!! Hope everyone is having an awesome start to the weekend!! Take a minute and share a little gratitude today!! Having had a spiritual awakening, we try to carry this message to others. Our message is one of hope, love, comfort, health - a better way of life, one that works. How do we carry it? Not by rescuing. Not by controlling. Not by obsessing. Not by becoming evangelists for the cause. We carry the message in many small, subtle, but powerful ways. We do our own work and become a living demonstration of hope, self-love, comfort, and health. These quiet behaviors can be a powerful message. Inviting (not ordering or demanding) someone to join us is a powerful way to carry the message. Going out and sharing how this new design for living works for us is a powerful way to carry the message. Being who we are and allowing God to guide our actions are powerful ways to carry the message. Often, we find ourselves carrying the message more effectively than we do when we set out to reform, convince, or coerce someone into this new way of living. Caretaking and controlling are not ways to carry the message. All those behaviors carry is codependency. Still, the most powerful form of helping others comes down to helping ourselves. When we do our own work and are honest and open about it, we impact others more than by our most well intentioned helping gesture. We cannot change others, but when we change ourselves, we may end up changing the world. Today, I will strive to carry the message in ways that work. I will let go of my need to help people. Instead, I will concentrate on helping and changing myself. If an opportunity comes up to share my experience, strength and hope with someone, I will do so quietly. God, help me show others comfort, empowerment, and hope. I can be a channel to help others when I am ready. I do not have to force this; it will happen naturally. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. - Mother Teresa God will not look you over for medals, degrees, or diplomas, but for scars. - Elbert Hubbard Faith is like the air in a balloon. If youve got it youre filled. If you dont, youre empty. - Peggy Cahn Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For, Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it. - 1 Peter 3:8-11 Luv Ya!! Mean It!! ;-)
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 12:33:14 +0000

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