Good Morning and Happy Wednesday to everyone! A couple of - TopicsExpress


Good Morning and Happy Wednesday to everyone! A couple of things this Wednesday morning: Firstly, to the MANY people that have reached out to me to tell me how inspired they feel to change their own lives because of my story and because of Beachody: thank you. This is 99% of why I want to pursue this career. Every single person deserves to live the life they have always wanted to live. NO ONE should have to stay stuck and to think that Im helping in ANY way to get you motivated makes me so overwhelmed. Love you all and keep your messages coming! ALSO: because there have been questions: YES my first challenge group is still accepting people and I will have the info up in the coming days…but a quick teaser…the name of my first group: Find Your Why! Stay Tuned! Secondly, I wanted to include my Day three Transformation video that I recorded this morning to really nail home my assertion that NOBODY jumps into these workouts and completes them with ease. Alright? God. In acting, we talk about how failure is more important than success because it teaches you more. Well in fitness, its your GOAL to fail. You want to push yourself TO FAILURE so that you can grow. There is NO growth if you dont fail. Alright, Hannah, we get it--but me more real with us. Ok. You want to know what REAL failure is? Not trying. #boom So watch me as I fail and fail and fail--oh--and dont miss that smile at the end. Cant wipe it off my face xoxoxo Hannah P.S. Later today Ill be posting my Whats For Dinner Wednesday Recipe! WARNING: will be Paleo, will contain delicious protein i.e. meat and WILL make you salivate
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:25:28 +0000

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