Good Morning facebookers. This will be my ONLY post for today. My - TopicsExpress


Good Morning facebookers. This will be my ONLY post for today. My determination and focus is to get the June Australian Swimsuit Edition Magazine finished and out as soon as possible today ! Having said that. I know that there are a hell of a lot of pm’s, emails and comments that I need to address and respond to after yesterdays decision to stop shooting and stop doing model comps in Coffs Harbour. I appreciate all of your comments and support. And I will respond as soon as the June Magazine is out. I do need to clarify and explain my decision but. As this may answer a few comments and questions that I have seen. This decision affects COFFS HARBOUR ONLY ! At the end of the day. I am still just another photographer based and working in a small town. So, off course I will have competitors and the occasional problems with others in the industry. I do post my comments and topics on these pages. The problem is the Australian Swimsuit Edition facebook pages have a large local following. As I have commented and tried to explain several times. Not all of my posts and comments are associated with or related to something local. The Australian Swimsuit Edition facebook pages have a massive Australian and International following. Some topics that I want to cover. I see or hear about elsewhere. Some topics are sent to me and Im asked to post and open up the topic to a much wider audience. And yes. Some topics are local. But they also apply to photographers, model comps and the industry Australia and worldwide. Because..lets face it. Im not alone in some cases. So dealing with and addressing these issues helps others. I have always generalised. Never named names, gender or locations in my posts or comments. However a certain group have taken it on themselves to destroy me. My photography. The model comps and everything to do with me. To the point that they feel they have a case to sue me for slander. The truth be known. There has been a hell of a lot more that has been going on and been said that I have never commented on. Because that would have made things worse for me. My health and mental state have never been a secret. And yes..I have also been accused of using this as an excuse for my defence and behaviour. That has never been the case. I defend myself, my reputation, my belief in the industry because it’s been a 20 plus year passion and love. I openly talk about depression and my daily ups and downs. Because I know (through the pm’s and emails) that it helps and relates to so many others struggling around the world. My decision to pull out of this battle was made easier. Because I couldn’t have won this battle alone. If a few others had of taken a stand. Made it clear that they wouldn’t tolerate or stand for the games, accusations, rumours and attacks. Then it may have been a different story. But I found it hard to see people continue to work with and associate with people intent on destroying me. Because in my eyes. That was just telling and showing them they where fine with what was happening..And it was totally acceptable behaviour. And only gave them more power to bring me down. Sadly…Without them knowing what they where doing or contributing to…They didn’t see the long term effects or ramifications. On Friday. I was urged by friends, family, doctors and psychiatrists to back away. Distance myself as fast as possible. Because I may not be so lucky to survive another attempt. I was sure and confident that I was well past the self harm stage. I thought I was stronger. Im not. Its still there. And I am only an incident, attack, thought away from ending it all.So….The ONLY answer and solution to end this all. Is to withdraw from the Coffs Harbour scene. Leave it to the other photographers and competitions to fill the gap that I leave. And with me out of the way. They can go for broke. As I said yesterday. I will shoot in Coffs Harbour for my own love and passion, I will shoot to help those that I admire and believe in. And I will shoot on other projects. This applies to Coffs Harbour ONLY. So..As far as those models outside of the Area. I am more than happy to continue to shoot, work with and support you all with your modelling careers and futures. So regarding the comments and pm’s from models outside of Coffs Harbour. Don’t stress ! This doesn’t affected the magazine, on line com or other projects. That’s about all I can say. Ive probably just added to or created another lawsuit. But I needed to answer and address a few concerns, All the best. Pete
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 00:27:49 +0000

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