Good Morning my Fellow co laborers i must say this It is a - TopicsExpress


Good Morning my Fellow co laborers i must say this It is a reality on whom the world system say is a mighty man or woman of God based on their successes and possessions and not the life they are living. The sad truth of this is i find more people believing what the prince of the air ways depict as living a god filled life which is a lie...... We should not become so consumed with wanting to look and sound and live others that measure themselves after vanity and self loving motives. The enemy is very cunning he will take our wants and desires and manipulate them against us. Yes want a better life for your childrens, children up to the fourth generation but at what cost damnation........ The word of THE LORD SAYS and they became lovers of themselves, john warns us The lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life these are the very same tactics used by saton him self when he was trying to tempt OUR LORD AND REDEEMER JESUS THE CHRIST ....... We must want to be like JESUS ...... what do i mean..... JESUS was not concerned with how much money the next person had, but concerned with who did not have JESUS was not concerned with what some dignitary was wearing but to give the coat of his back to the person with out JESUS was not concerned with pleasing the scribes, the pharisees, the sadjesees, nor the romans , JESUS was not even concerned with pleasing His disciples or followers all He was Concerned with was PLEASING THE FATHER IN GLORY WHICH SENT HIM A A SIN RANSOM....... So my brothers nd sisters in the faith know them that labor amongst you and judge with a righteous judgment the fruit and the spirit by the HOLY SPIRIT you can be mad at me for speaking, and slander my name, you can even steal the words i have put up her on this social media; but you can not deny that the truth was givien unto you and NOW YOU MUST CHOSE WHOM YE SERVE ON THIS DAY....... I dont want to be popular, i dont want a mega church, i dont even want to be overly rich........ I just want the riches of THE KINGDOM OF GOD and MY SAVIOR SAYING WELL DONE WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT..... Because every thing in this life will pass away, but what you do for THE LORD IS ETERNAL.......
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 13:10:16 +0000

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