Good Morning my brothers and sisters. Yesterday was quite an - TopicsExpress


Good Morning my brothers and sisters. Yesterday was quite an eventful and beautiful day for me. Having had to go to a meeting - yes - I know - on a Saturday!!!!! - which will be illegal in the near future - if I have anything to do with it, my day unfolded better than anything I could wish for. After the meeting I decided to do some shopping at Sainsburys and shock/horror. Someone who I truly was not in the mood to speak to started walking towards me. I contemplated running through traffic or hiding behind a litter bin – but alas – it was too late – he called my name with such force and authority that I had no choice but to grit my teeth and say “hi” like I meant it. He wanted to know why I was not writing that often on my wall. Me saying “I can’t be arsed” did not go down quite as well as I thought it would. He responded that it is all good and well him enjoying my art, quotes, music and latest verbal battles, etc, but he would like to read more about my ongoing activites. I explained that I am not one to write about my daily comings and goings for a number of reasons. First of all it would bore the hell out of me, and some things in my private life are best kept that way – PRIVATE - for I may incriminate myself, and my words may be used as evidence against me. I can see it now – me wallowing in self pity in a jail cell whilst my children celebrate in my absence….. “YAY – mum’s locked up – let’s do our thang” – I DON’T THINK SO! Cutting a long story short – after much deliberating I told him he would have to pay me a tenner if I wrote something on my wall, which he has promised to do when I see him next. For some reason he does not trust me keeping my end of the bargain - chuh - and I nearly got away with it - so here I am. (yes – I know I’m cheap). Please note that I am doing this out of the love and goodness of my heart – and of course for the money - so what – do you guys know how painstakingly hard this is for me to do right now – damn – I should have asked for £20 – next time – you get me. Well hey ho -here we go. My shopping trip took a tad longer than planned - 4 hours to be precise for I ended up at the bombed out church where live musicians were playing. It still amazes me and brings me great joy listening to the raw talent that is out there. The bands playing were Rufus, Dan Wilson, Kachina, Kenny and the Energy, Neil Bell, Wrecked Career and last but not least Joe Symes and the Loving Kind. I must truly say they did not disappoint and they excelled themselves beyond expectations. The evening drew to a close with some old time reggae music. I would like to give a big thank you to Benny and Liz and the rest of the staff for taking great care of me, and making my evening enjoyable. (sigh, yawn) – damn I then went home and was quite sad knowing that my children did not miss me (they did not even know I was gone). I was invited to see some more acts for the night which were very good also. I decided to walk home which was quicker than calling a cab – and yes – I was safe. While walking, a homeless guy called me over for a chat – I slowly sat on the pavement beside him and as my rear end touched the ground, thoughts of regret were running though my mind – will I be able to get up with dignity and class without my bones cracking – HELL YEAH - I told him about my day and he told me about his life – believe it or not – I was inspired and felt blessed at the end of the conversation – HE uplifted me and he still enjoyed smiling and laughing – which I feel at times is rapidly going out of fashion – you get my drift. Well that was my day folks. See the beauty in ALL things. Take a walk – smile and greet someone – If you hear children screaming and getting on your nerves a bit – GIVE THANKS – you can hear. If you had to step over some litter carelessly thrown on the ground – GIVE THANKS – you can see. You see a few kids dressed in an unflattering way – GIVE THANKS – someones’ son and daughter is still here – GIVE THANKS and as hard as it may seem at times - SEE THE BEAUTY IN ALL THINGS – Enjoy the rest of your day and stay blessed. - xxx JOB DONE – HAPPY NOW - I WANT MY MONEY – DON’T LET ME GO REPO ON YOU – xxx P.S. This took way longer than I had anticipated so make it £20 okkkkkkkk - xxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 14:51:07 +0000

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