Good Morning my friends. First things first, that what I’ve - TopicsExpress


Good Morning my friends. First things first, that what I’ve always said…so I want to begin by wishing our son, Greg Edwards a big Happy Birthday!! If I am not mistaken, he may be thirty-eight years old by now, but I’ve been wrong about things like that before. Greg and our grandson, Aidan, joined Vickie and me at the Mooresville Spinners baseball game yesterday at Moor Park. Thankfully, somebody erected a tent on part of the bleachers and that helped keep my old balding head from getting blistered. I purchased Vickie and me a Spinners t-shirt to wear to Planet Fitness. Now, all we have to do is get inspired enough to go exercise a little bit so we can wear it. Lots of you folks might wonder why our team is called the Spinners; well I’ll explain it to you. Mooresville Mills, which was across the street from the ballpark, had a spinning department. The mill at one time used to unload a bale of cotton at one end of the mill and by the time the cotton was spun into thread and then woven into cloth, the finished material was loaded onto freight cars and trucks at the other end of the mill. Ergo, the name, Spinners, seemed to suit just fine…but, I suppose they could have called them the Weavers just as easily. I really didn’t need a new t-shirt, but you should have seen the young lady that was selling them. She wasn’t just pretty; she was beautiful and had an unforgettable, beatific smile like you would usually see on a Miss America. I just had my picture taken with the 2013-2014 Miss America while I was in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago and this young lady’s smile rated right up there with Miss America’s. This good looking college student could have sold me an air-conditioner if I lived in Antarctica. I realized that over half of my neckties and probably some of the food in our refrigerator were older than she was, but that didn’t keep me from enjoying our conversation. I explained to her about how the very ground on which the Spinners were playing used to be a real baseball stadium back in the fifties…she might have thought I was talking about the 1850s, I’m not sure. But, anyway, I told her about the Mooresville Moors, and how they were our very own professional baseball team. I even explained that the Moors were a farm-team for the Chicago Cubs. I further explained to the lovely lass that the ballpark was the center of the Mill Village and that most mill-workers did not have television back then and baseball was just another diversion for the hot summer nights. Even though our Spinners lost the game, I really enjoyed the afternoon and got me a new shirt, too. I have really been trying to watch my weight a little lately, but I haven’t told anyone just in case I didn’t have any success. So far, I have lost five pounds in the last week…and I did that without even taking a laxative. That just proves that I am not as full of that stuff as many of you think I am. We went to McDonald’s yesterday evening and I wanted a Big Mac so bad, I was salivating and drool was running down my shirt, but me; trying the perfect example of a good boy, opted for a fish sandwich without cheese and I didn’t even get any fries. Now, if that ain’t determination, I don’t know what is. But, I still had my popcorn and two little candy bars at bedtime…a man can only stand so much dieting. Well, even though I got up at 4:00, it’s already after 5:30 and I need to hurry to the Planet for a little physical exertion and also wear my new Spinners t-shirt. Have a good day my friends and be kind to one another. I think we are going to take our granddaughters to Pilot Mountain today and let them climb over a few rocks. God Bless!!
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 09:47:52 +0000

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