Good Morning parents! I swear I need a couple more hours in the - TopicsExpress


Good Morning parents! I swear I need a couple more hours in the day or another day in the week. feels like Ive been running non stop, here lately. Hailey started band camp last Wednesday, Summer camp ended last Friday and School starts here this Friday the 9th. We have 2 boys starting into Kindergarten this year but because Shannon is such a procrastinator we have to spend this week trying to get him enrolled plus 10,000 other things that have to be done before school starts along with running Hailey to band camp and picking her back up. Raiden as many of you know has been going to behavior modification school all summer it was a 8 week program but because of his behaviors they gave him another 4 weeks, I truly didnt expect him to get or really do much better given the problems that he has, I truly put him into the program to give me a break and give him the structure that he needs plus even if it didnt work I knew it wouldnt hurt and it would keep me from having to put him into the hospital multipal times throughout the summer. With school starting on Friday and knowing Raiden will be starting school this year with an IEP and getting some much needed help in areas he struggles in, even with 3 weeks remaining in behavior school I wanted him to start school on the 9th with all the other kids, so after talking with the people there Raiden will be starting school on Friday, Thursday will be his last day in behavior school. It seems to me no matter how good Raiden does there is still at least 3 days a week he acts up. Usually all day long on Sunday and each and every Friday and Saturday mornings both of which I have to work. It really sucks for me because I only work Friday and Saturday and to get up at 4am get 7 kids ready to go to the sitter or to Shannons and to have to stay right on Raiden the whole time to keep him from hurting one of the other kids or destruct my home plus trying to get ready to walk out the door is a battle and a half. By the time I get to work Im worn out and then work for 8hrs waiting tables. Ol how I wish I could hit the lottery! I want to sincerely tell you all how sorry I am and especially to Christy for not being able to be on and with the page more here lately. Im trying to get my family in order and trying to deal with all the issues of having a blended family and Shannons defiant 16yr old son. I run and go 24/7 here lately seems like I am always 2 steps behind on what I need to get done. I have also been helping out Shannons nephew who recently got full custody of his 1yr old daughter, and I just love her to pieces, I get her and spend as much time with her as I can because I love babys and she is just a joy to have around. Nothing in this world makes me any happier than to have a baby around, and she is such a good baby. I love watching her learn and grow its just amazing to have a baby around. As you can tell I am a baby person. Life for me has just been sooo busy here lately, and its hard to catch a minute to get on the page. I can get on the page from my phone but I cant update the page, I have been checking in just cant do anything from my phone. After I get the kids into school I will be able to be on here more just bare with me for one more week. I want to wish you all a beautiful blessed day! No matter how hard things get or how bad things may seem never give up, the answers are out there! Sending my thoughts and love to you all! -Malena-
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 13:40:31 +0000

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