Good Morning to everybody still up from last night ( me), and - TopicsExpress


Good Morning to everybody still up from last night ( me), and those just a raising. I hope Cindy is better, but keep your prayers going her way. I have lost numerous family fighting for American soil and our freedom. There is no way to express the gratefulness and pride that I feel! The last was my mothers brother Robert Lee West, who served in World War II in the air force. He joined right out of high school without his parents knowing. Bobby, was a very handsome man ( Clark Gable or Robert Redford good looks) who had served all his missions and was supposed to go home the next week. He ran into a friend from his hometown, Fairfax, Alabama his last day alive. His friend, asked Bobby to fly a mission for him because he had met a girl and they had a date. My uncle said sure and on that mission his plane was shot down by enemy fire and he was killed. His friend did not know until years later that Bobby had been killed, until he ran into my grandmother at the local post office after the war. When he learned that Bobby had been killed on that mission, Bobbies friend had a nervous breakdown when he heard the news. My grandparents and my mother were devastated. I still own that horrible telegram telling them that their son was killed. It is very painful to actually hold it in my hand and realize just a little of what my grandparents and mother experienced when they received it. No military family ever wants to see a military officer with one of those in his hand at their door. What many of you may not know is that persons body was not sent home then, but was buried in England in the national cemetery at the time. Families back home, had a memorial service at that time and then went through the same ordeal three years later at the end of the war when the body was returned to the American soil and their families. Another service was held at that time. The hurt and harm are beyond my imagination. On their street were many families with sons serving and every single one was killed during the war. One neighbor had five sonss who all were killed. My uncle had gotten a tattoo, which MiMi, my grandmother was not in the least happy about. She made my dad promise to look when his body was sent back, to make sure it was her son. Daddy did as he had promised and was able to see the tattoo which let him know that it was indeed Robert Lee West. They Never were the same after his death. Freedom has a very high price and most of us forget it most of the time. Take time today to thank them in your prayers and do continue the Memorial weekend celebrations as a way to remember and thank them. I know that there is NO way great enough to thank someone who served and lost. Just dont forget!!!! The day we start forgetting our great country and all our Heros is the day we start to lose our country and freedom. With love in my heart and gratefulness, Linda
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 10:42:02 +0000

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