Good News Brings Rejoicing (Part 5) New Exodus (Isaiah - TopicsExpress


Good News Brings Rejoicing (Part 5) New Exodus (Isaiah 52:11,12) Bearing the Vessels (v.11) v.11 Depart ye, Depart ye, go ye out from there, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean that bear the vessels of the LORD. * GOD has been separating certain people unto Himself since He called out Noah to build the Ark before the floods. The world repopulated and GOD had to call on Abraham to separate Him to Himself. GOD gave him and his family instructions and they grew and populated into a nation within Egypt. GOD had to call Moses to set His people free, and He took them to the desert and gave them instructions and and commandments. They also build the temple, the altar, and the ark of covenant or the holy of holies within the deep inner part of the Temple. GOD then called Joshua and then GOD gave them the promise land, but also gave them instructions. GOD gave them judges and prophets to make sure the instructions and commandments were fulfilled by the people. But the people wanted a king like the other nations, this broke GODs heart but only a few kings were faithful to GOD, most were horrible and misguided the people and made mockery of the temple ways, and the commands of GOD, and of the messengers of GOD. Now Israel GODs people are told they will be destroyed by a foreign nation, Babylonians and they were, But GOD now is giving them a new promise of a new Temple and He charges them to do the Temple rituals in a proper holy manner. * GOD gives them these instructions 1. Dont touch unclean things: In other words dont break the commands of GOD and expect to be in the Temple in GODs service. Unclean things can be anything that is sinful. We are not that ignorant to not know what is wrong before the eyes of GOD! We just dont care if GOD is looking at us do what is unclean, You can ask anyone who believes if GOD can see all things, and they will tell you yes. But why do they continue to sin knowing GOD can see them, they confess GOD can but still sin. They have no fear of GOD, no respect for GOD. Like a child who know Mom & Dad dont want them to do things and they do it anyway. But we are not children anymore, the payment for sin is death! Dont be in sin and say you can serve GOD, your only condemning yourself. 2. Get out from the midst of her: The servants in the Temple are told get out from the Temple and service if your not right with GOD. Very simple and strong command, in many occasions people died for playing with sin and ignoring the commands of GOD. Today we have it easy, at least to our eyes it seems easy. We have the grace of GOD, through the ultimate sacrifice Jesus did on the Cross. But what we fail to see is that GOD knows the difference between sincere repentance and someone just going through the religious motions. You can say you love Jesus and Jesus loves you all you want. But you cant fool GOD, He sees right into your heart, your mind. You can ignore what I am saying, but you better get more serious about your faith, you better take a closer look at your salvation, get help!!! 3. Be clean if you bare the vessels of the LORD: Want to be in the service of GOD be clean, dont be walking around all holy and stuff and everyone knows you are an ugly person inside, the devil is lying to you, your lying to yourself. Dont try to be in the service of GOD with a sinful life.....dont do it!!! Protected by GOD (v.12) v.12 For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you: and the GOD of Israel will be your rereward. * Basically what it is saying is, dont worry. If GOD promised them He would bring them out of captivity, He would fulfill it. He will go before you and He will guard your back. If you study the history of Israel from their beginning until today, GOD is protected them. One tiny little country in the midst of several hostile nations who hate them, who out populate them a million to one. Yet Israel exist today. Now GOD is saying there will be a new Exodus to a new promise land, with a new temple a place with living waters, in a new city where GOD will be King of Kings forever and ever. Plus GOD is the one leading you there! Should we not be doing our very best to follow Him? Should we not be students of His holy word? Should we not take our salvation more serious, our way of living, the condition of our heart our spirit? Yes, Yes, Yes!!! GOD bless, Pastor Al
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:36:02 +0000

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