Good Night everybody, here is the third chapter of The One - TopicsExpress


Good Night everybody, here is the third chapter of The One Hope Enjoy and thank you Chapter 3 the Party 3:00 I started up the stairs, still piecing together what I had just heard moments ago. I went upstairs, putting on my best poker face so my cousin wouldn’t figure anything out. “Finally,” she said to me as I walked through the kitchen doorway. “You get lost or something down there?” she asked mocking me. “Never mind, I was only calling Brianna on the phone!” I said back to her. “Whatever Jay, just get over here and help me bring out the food ok.” She gestured to the many plates of food we had set up a few days ago. We took the plastic wrap off the food. We had a several plates of fruit and vegetables, chips, popcorn, and then we had two coolers full of pop too, we could feed a small army with all the food we have outside. I heard someone knocking on the door, and probably half the neighborhood did too If I could hear it all the way out here. “I’ll be right back, someone’s at the door.” I said “Okay, there’s not much to do now but make sure that your friend Jake doesn’t eat all the food.” She said with a smile. “Yeah that would be a waste of our time in getting all this stuff eh?” I said to myself. I went to the door and there was my friend Mike standing against the outside doorframe. He stood straight and scratched the back of his head and said “Sorry, thought your cuz would open the door, heh heh.” He awkwardly smiled. “Yeah like you have a shot with my cousin but anyways, you need some help unloading your van?” I asked as I looked past him. His mom and dad gave him a brand new white used storage van so he can bring all his nerdy music gear with him to his gigs so his parents don’t have to drive him all the time. “Yeah sure Jason, that’d help.” He started for his car. I turned around and yelled to Holly: “Hey Holly! Can you unlock the back gate, Mike is here with his stuff.” I didn’t wait for an answer as I walked to his van. He handed me his stereo case and his small desk to carry while he grabbed his laptop case and a small microphone. “So…Jason, has your cousin talked about me at all? About anything?” asked Mike “Dude, I wouldn’t get your hopes up, she does have a boyfriend back in Alberta Mike.” “Aw dane it!” he said. “That sucks.” He complained. “Yeah sorry Mike.” I said to him as we got to the gate. Holly was already there and unlocked it as we stood there as I could see that Mike was sweating a lot. He really likes her a lot. I thought to myself. “Hey Holly can you keep it open so everybody comes through here and not the house?” I said to her over my shoulder. “Yeah I got it Jay!” she said back and placed a loose brick from the small garden in front of the gate so it stays open. We went over to the back deck and me and Holly helped Mike set up his gear to his laptop, unfolded his small desk and took a look at the yard. I looked at the backyard and thought it looked great. We had the tables beside the side fence and we had two large lamps out in the yard to provide some light. We also had some smaller lights in the garden that circles the backyard. Then on the deck was Mikes DJ and music gear and beside Mikes stuff was a small tent with a picnic table inside for anyone who doesn’t want to get ‘eaten alive’ by mosquitoes. This is going to be fun. I thought as I heard the first person ring the doorbell. * * * * * 10:55 p.m The music was loud and blaring, people were eating and talking to friends, and it seemed that everyone wanted to talk to me at the same time. All my friends were here for my party; Max was here with his girlfriend Kayla and her twin sister Mackenzie. Brian DeMarco was here too, one of my best friends and so was my friend Eric. Brian was from Australia, he moved to Fonthill because his dad had died when he was young and his single mother needed to find a small town to stay in until she found a good job. He was a little short for 16 years old and had longer brown hair and he was more muscular from working out all the time. Eric was somewhat tall and had that certain charm that made everyone in the room look at him and immediately like him. Girls really like him but he doesn’t feel the same back, he doesn’t like it when girls always stare at him sometimes. Max was a tall and dangerous type of guy who had that ‘bring it on’ kind of look and when he walks into a room it goes quiet, in the bad way though. Almost all the kids from my grade at McKinley was here and partying and were chatting away with everybody. Mike was playing everybody’s favorite songs and different genres of music and everyone thought he was ‘on fire’ tonight. I hung out with my friends Eric, Brian and only a little while with Max. It was Kayla and Max’s two year anniversary this night too. We ate almost all the food and it was already 11:00 now. I was watching the crowd and then I saw her. Rachel was a good friend of mine and we have known each other since we were in preschool. She was the same height as me with blond hair and bright blue eyes. She was naturally beautiful. She was walking around in a nice red dress and looked a little bored. Max walked up to me and punched me in the shoulder and winked. “Go get her man, you can do it.” He said to me. I started to walk over to her and I started to feel like I wasn’t breathing and I my hands were uncontrollably sweating. I sucked in a deep breath and stood next to her. “Uh, hey Rachel, how are you?” I asked. “Oh!” she turned quickly, looking surprised, “Hi Jason! I’m fine thank you, how are you feeling yourself?” she replied. “Oh, um I’m feeling great, now I can finally get my drivers license and not get driven everywhere by my parents.” I said in a shaky voice. She laughed at what I said, she had a nice laugh. “Um, you look really good tonight Rachel.” I said to her. She looked at me with her blue eyes and smiled. “Thank you Jason, this used to be my mothers.” She replied to me. I smiled and asked: “Um, would you-” I was cut off by a big, tall, burly guy walking up and saying: “Hey Rachel, ready to go?” She looked really happy that the guy just walked in and I felt a little down. “Yes I’m ready to go Zach.” she turned back to me, “Bye Jason and thank you and left with the guy. “That sucked.” I said to myself. I looked around and saw Max standing by the back of the yard. Since my plan backfired and I didn’t tell her about Brianna, I guess it’s time to go to my Plan B. This is going to be good, I thought to myself, as I walked towards him.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 01:00:58 +0000

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