Good Reality Meets Science (tm) APPROVED Nutrition Action article - TopicsExpress


Good Reality Meets Science (tm) APPROVED Nutrition Action article with medical references - 3 take away points: 1. Almost everything you hear, if not everything, regarding dramatic or miraculous weight loss or lifestyle results made easy are bullcrap, or at the very least are highly exaggerated. 2. Starch – a.k.a. glucose – seems to lower the important, if not miraculous, hunger hormone ghrelin the fastest -but protein sustains suppression of ghrelin the longest (fat seems to suppress it slower than either, but lasts longer than starch/carbohydrates suppression...) note: Fructose likely suppresses hunger the least and the reason fruits fructose can be tolerated has nothing to do about anything special about fruits fructose, its that the high volume/weight mechanism of appetite suppression with whole fruit is in play so only 150–400 cal per pound....that it mitigates the risk. 3. Seems reasonable to presume that the best hunger hormone suppressing effect per calorie, per se, on average likely comes from a blend of just the right amount of starch (mass majority preferably of which would come from unrefined sources such as beans/peas/lentils, starchy vegetables and whole grains), and a solid amount of healthy, lean low-sodium protein – whether lean animal based or vegan protein - blended with touches of fats, (mostly unsaturated) to add flavor and a nice touch to your hunger hormone lowering, satiety inducing blend. Take a look through the pictures library on this page and youll see a number of Reality Meets Science (tm) examples to visually represent what all of this means to the eye.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 11:26:15 +0000

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