Good Reason to JOIN INDEPENDENT CURRENCIES is that the CONTROLERS - TopicsExpress


Good Reason to JOIN INDEPENDENT CURRENCIES is that the CONTROLERS of the present ones (the fed bankstirs) are MURDERERS and THEIVES of EXTREME ECONOMIC PROPORTIONS ~ wake up ~ Ecotopiah Now ~*~ DID YOU KNOW? That whenever you use Federal Reserve Notes, or Dollars for the purchase of anything, that there is a hidden lien placed on the purchased object (via hypothecation) rendering that new purchase the legal property of the Federal Reserve Bank, who lent you their Federal Reserve Notes on loan so that you could acquire it? And guess what is the physical and spiritual (Rev. 18:13) Collateral against the hidden lien/loan/claim of ownership? YOU ARE~ BODY AND SOUL~! Yes, by some sicko legal maneuvering, YOUR FLESH AND BLOOD PERSON becomes the legal property, or chattel, by right of claim of the International Masters of Finance- simply by your use of their Dollars/Federal Reserve Notes - which are their legal property and rendering YOU OWNED-BODY AND SOUL , by the Rothschilds. No wonder a young Bitcoin founder was recently found Suicided in her home in Singapore for daring to help people declare financial Sovereignty. So, when are you going to DECALRE YOUR SOVEREIGNTY, throw off your own chains and walk off the Global Corporate Plantation?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:37:14 +0000

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