Good Reasons Your Internet Business Should Get Mobile by Gary - TopicsExpress


Good Reasons Your Internet Business Should Get Mobile by Gary Messinger | on June 30, 2013 Over 130 million people in the US and a little over 110 million people in Europe own mobile devices. And 60 percent of all these users access the internet through their mobile devices. What do these figures mean to your internet business? It means one thing: it’s time to go mobile. If you’re a mobile user yourself, you know how difficult it is to fit a full-size website onto the small screen of your phone. And it can be just as frustrating for your customers when they arrive on your website using their mobile device and they can barely see what’s going on in there. If your website isn’t mobile optimized, you can just imagine the great number of potential customers that you can lose. Refer to the stats above to get some idea. And it’s bad enough that you only have a few minutes to capture the attention of potential customers. As you know, internet users don’t have the time or patience to stay in one place on the web all day long. Once they find that your website is a challenge to navigate, they won’t think twice about leaving and going somewhere else, probably to your competitor’s site. Ownership of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have not only doubled or tripled, but quadrupled over the recent years. Obviously, it’s here to stay, and you can’t allow your business to get left behind. Optimizing your website on mobile isn’t optional. In fact, you should devote an entire strategy plan for it. When creating a mobile-optimized website for your mobile-using customers, you don’t only make sure that the screen fits and that everything’s visible, you also need to ensure that the whole thing would be a wonderful shopping experience for them. For example, you need to study and figure out how your web content can be structured better when viewed in a mobile device. The layout of the website may change, and that may take a lot of work on your part, but you need to do this. You must deliver a consistently good experience for your buying customers. Hiring a professional web designer who’s an expert in this kind of work is a must. You need to find someone who will understand the significance of what you’re trying to achieve. It’s also a good idea to be a little more tech-savvy. It makes it easier for you to know what your options are when it comes to making your internet business website more friendly to mobile users. Your two choices include: Building a separate mobile-optimized website separate from the main website or Using a content management system that lets you install plug-ins to make your website mobile friendly after a few clicks. Study the pros and cons of each to find out which one will work better for you. Whatever it is you choose, the bottom line is you’ll get a lot of benefits from turning your internet business website into something that can also be accessed hassle-free on mobile. P.S. – If you’re not up and running with your internet business, I can help! Copy and paste the link below, enter and submit your email address and get started TODAY! socialmediabar/garys-blog
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 21:52:14 +0000

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