Good Sunday Afternoon Folks-- Well, Hope Im Not Stepping on - TopicsExpress


Good Sunday Afternoon Folks-- Well, Hope Im Not Stepping on Anyones Toes, But Thought Id Try My Hand, at A Heritage Sale Report... This Report , Might be a Tad Bit Different Than What Most Are Accustomed To. I Truly Have No Idea Who Sold Or Bought The High Seller....Or Even Who The High Seller Was, For That Matter...... Not A Clue As To Sales Averages, Up , Down, Or if The Price Trends, Went Around The Block,...... Probably, For The First ,Time In My Life of Attending Horse Sales; I Never Even Opened The Catalog.... Here Is What I Do Know--- Jacky Had Two of The Best Days , On Friday and Saturday, That Hes Had In Quite A While---Visiting, Laughing, Story Telling and Reminiscing With So Many Folks That Have Become Dear To Him Over The Years--And He, To Them.... While Saturday Was Unofficial Picture Day....No One Told The Unofficial Camera, of Such Plans....and Since It Was Unprepared for Said Event.....It Only Caught a Handful of Photos.... Since Im responsible for That Silly Camera, I Accept Full Responsibility and Will Do My Level Darnedest, To Remember Everyone Who Was Part Of Making A Wonderful Day For Jacky..... Mr Jerry Windham, Always A Class Act, Almost Had To Get On His Knees To put Himself in Jackys Range of Vision.....Not Quite Sure If Something They Said, Embarassed Mr Bill or He Was Simply Being Shy, With His Head Ducked , And All, ....LOL This Next Joker, Well, Would Know The Voice of The One and Only JD Parum, Anywhere!!!.... While JD Said, He Was Almost Down To Riding Weight...I Do Believe He May Be Fudging Just A Bit.... Mr Ralph,Deputized His Second, Mr Brandon, For Disembarking Duty...And What A Fine Job He Did.... Does Ones Heart Good, To See A Young Person, So Kind and Thoughtful. Mr Dee Raper, Well, Didnt He Just Beat All? He was One of The First To Discover, Jacky Had Arrived....Hopped Right Up in The Van , and Im Not sure Who Was Grinning Bigger-Him Or Jacky... Then Without a Pause, Makes Jacky a Gift of His Freight Train B, Cap!..... Hows That For Great Advertising Mr Dee??? The Next Featured Encounter-- Well, Lets Just Say, Brandon Muniz Came to Be As A Son To Us, as Well as Mr Ralphs, during our time in NM....To Have The Purest Pleasure of Finally Meeting The Lovely Ms Anna Marie Crowson, His Lovely Fiance....Brought a Lump of Joy, in My Throat, for Their Happiness. Congratulations and May You Two Have A Most Wonderful Life Together!. While Speaking of Happy....Anyone who knows Her, Knows Ms Caroline Sanders Always Has A Huge Smile On Her Face....and It Was In Place For Sure, For Her and Jackys Photo Op, ....LOL We Move From Laughing on The Bus, To Laughter In The Bar!!.... Mr Wes Giles, With His Distinctive Drawl and Dry Wit Always was A Good Foil For Jackys Quiet Follow Thru...... Then, Nothing Farther From A Giggling Good Time, Do These Three Look, than Mr Ralph, Jacky and Mr Brandon....Guess They Thought They Were Making A Poster for Americas Most Wanted.... And, It Would Seem I Was Remiss Earlier, In Neglecting to Introduce Jackys Driver for the Day, Mr Bill MacIntosh.....You Can See His Smiling Face, In this Picture at Any Rate... He and Ms Judi, While Being Part of Our Louisiana Family, Just Seem To Be In OKC, When Mr Martin Puts in An Appearance. They Are Combination, Welcome Wagon, Tour Assistance, and Farewell Committee ; All Rolled Into One Very Special Couple, Whom We Will Never Forget! Mr Bill, Had Some Highlights Spotted, That He Shared With Jacky and Treated Him To Seeing Some Gorgeous Yearling, Including Sunflower Supply Companys Jess Louisiana Blue Colt Who Boasted Same Dam As Big Daddy Cartel!.....Jacky Said He Remembered Vividly The Feel of That Powerful Horse. Mr JE, Eyes Blue Bayou, Might Be Another One, to Make Yall at Jumonville Farms Proud!,..... From One Member of Our Cajun Family, To Another Special Group.... Robicheaux Ranch--Mr Jude, Continues To Dangle A Wonderful Carrot, In Front of Jacky....Get Out the Chair, And WE WILL HUNT!!.... While Ryan, Wonderfully Thoughtful Person That He Is---Promised Some Boudan....Federal Express Bound!.....Jackys Mouth Is Already Watering.... After Some Warm Time, In The Barns...It Really Was Time To Find a Bit Cooler Spot.....So, Back To The Bar... And, What Bar Party Would Be Complete Without Mr Blane Wood?.. Blane, At His Best, Is An Amazing Raconteur.....So, When A Staff Member Asked If Wed Move Jackys Chair To Get Around Him....and Blane Basically Told Him, They Would Move When They Were Good And Ready??? Was Waiting For Blane to Tell The Guy He Was Joking, Right??? Didnt Really Play Out Like That, So I Figured It Was Just Going To Be A Matter of Time, Till The Security Guys Showed Up....And Who Knows, Maybe Saturday Nite Boxing At The Heritage,..... Belly Laughs, You Know, The Kind That Bring Actual Tears! Even Though, We Dont Have A Picture to Prove His Existence.... Jacky Made a New Friend while in the Bar. Mr John Mac Hayes..... I Truly Believe, Hed of Hoisted Jacky Onto His Shoulders, Had He Thought It Wouldve Been Permitted.... Even Without The Mob Carry, As An Option, Mr Hayes, Gave Jacky A Heros Welcome Indeed...What Fun! Lets Summarize So Far..... Weve Been In The Barns, In The Bar, and On The Bus......... Before We Move Farther, With Jackys Visiting....A Few Other Folks Who Made Their Way to The Bus to Chat....Mr Judd Kearl, On the fly, as He Made His Way to Lonestar for the Races--Love Ya Mr Judd! Tim Williams,Always a Special Word for Jacky, and Mr Gene Melton and His Lovely Girlfriend, Ms Mary.... Then Mr Kenny, Was There. And With Him, Mr Poonie, In Our Hearts and Spirit.....Trembling Lips, Misty Eyes, and Memories to Warm The Soul.....While I Tried To Hug The Hurt Away, for Mr Kenny, Jacky Didnt Have That Luxury---The Ache Was A Visible Thing...But The Shared Love of a Man, Was Salve to That Wound- As Mr Kenny Stepped off The Bus, He Didnt see Jacky Raise His Hand The Merest of Inches, off the Armrest..... His Salute To Two Fine Men- Lets Get Back To The Tour, With LOTS of Heritage Place Yet To Cover, Before Tears Take Over,....... What Seems to Have Become A Designated Meeting Place, is the Upper Level Area that House the Booths of Ms Nancy and Ms Lisa/ Mr George Perry. Sometimes Its Like Ms Lisa Has Taken It Upon Herself to Host A Reception, for Jacky, Upon His Arrival....The Word Spreads, and Folks Head That Way,..... Heath and Tracy Taylor, Mr Jack and Ms Wynona Brooks, Stacy Capps, Melba Riedel, Ms Jerry and Mr Bob Gaston, Gregg Thompson, Ms Stacy and Mr Randy Hill---Talk Bout Two Jack Russell Moms, Sharing Stories Bout The Kids, ....LOL These Folks, Just to Name a Few-- While You All Know Who You Are, You Have No Idea The Happiness You Bring To My Husbands World, By Taking Time From Your Busy Sale to Come Show Your Love and Support!! Amazing. A Final Aspect of The Heritage Experience, is A Trip Round The Square--- All The Wonderful Farms, Proudly Displaying The Best They Have To Offer, and The Folks Behind Them... A Bit of A Qualifier Here....This is Probably Where Ill End Up Messing Up, and Leaving Someone Out, But I Promise, Only Due to Faulty Memory, ...LOL While Quick Visits....Meaningful, to Be Sure..... Mr Fred Stanley,Mr Donnie Strickland...probably one of the few Who Mightve Been Comfortable -Dressed for the Heat, In His Signature Shorts....Mr Gene Cox, Hoghead Reed, Dr Charlie Graham, Mr Frank Merrill, Mr Phillip Stewart, Mr Toby and Ms Cindi, Mr JE Jumonville, Mr Alex, and Mr Roy Sanchez, Mr Sammi and Mr Bill Valdivia, Ms Sandy Wood, Mr Jorge Haddad, Mr Walt and Ms Pat Fletcher, The SpeedHorse Folks, The Crew At JEH, Mr Randy McDonald, Mr Joe Bysong, Mr Walt Knorp, Mr Jeff Tebow, JJ Gonzalez, Chee Cho Flores, Mr Luis Villa Franco, Mr Terry Wooten, Mr Gus Barakis, Mr Eddie Willis, Mr Bert Lamb, And, Oh Gosh, So Many More. But, Even, With All These Mini-Reunions, ......There Was Something, or Should I Say, Someone....Really , Several Someones Missing. Mr Rodney Reed, Was An Emergency Admittance to the Hospital, Before He Was Able to What It Is That Trainers Do.....Seek That Next Big Horse. Ms Sheila is Keeping Watch, as The Doctors Puzzle thru, Rodneys symptoms....Prayers with Yall...... Ms Celina, Was Another,Almost Regular Fixture, At HP Sales, That Was Absent And Greatly Missed! Finally, Perhaps, The Most Noticeable Void, In The Racing Assembly?? The Absence of Mr Dan Urschel. At Least, In The Flesh. Serious Doubts, That Even Death , Could Keep Mr Dan Away From The Sale. Id Like to Think, He Was There In Spirit To Be Sure-- Watching Good Horses, Remembering Old Friends, and Feeling Out His New Post As Guardian Angel. There is a culture, When Folks Turn To Mecca, At A Certain Time- Id Like To Think, That At 2 pm on Saturday, Folks Turned Their Hearts, Westward and Travelled in Their Thoughts, To Canadian Texas...and Most Importantly, Of All..... That Ms Jolene, Could Feel, Each And Every Single One Of Us, There, With Her, In Spirit, As She Lay Her Lifes Love, To Rest. I Would Respectfully Submit, This, My Heritage Place Report.... Not About Who Sold What, Who Bought What, How Much They Brought--- But, Simply , About People.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 23:12:19 +0000

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