Good Sunday morning everybody! Thanks for your participation. Lets - TopicsExpress


Good Sunday morning everybody! Thanks for your participation. Lets pray America! Dear Heavenly Father....................on this Sunday morning, we come acknowledging that Jesus is Lord of our lives..............we truly understand the battle that is going on in this land to replace the name of Jesus and their attempt to diminish His influence in this nation............. God haters proclaiming that we are no longer a Christian nation...............but this morning as we attend Your house Lord, we are sounding a loud and clear signal that we are Christians and we are committed to making a public statement to that effect by attending the church where we have been planted..............the church that lifts up Your name with true worship and the church where our pastor preaches Christ, Him crucified and that by His blood and by His name we are us not to ignore this incredible privilege we have to attend the house of God each Sunday morning without fear of persecution or consequences............being thankful for the us Lord to teach our families the love for Your church..............may we teach our children to honor and respect the leaders of the church..............and we pray this morning for the unchurched................Christians who no longer go to church on Sunday morning because of hurts, disappointments and misunderstandings.............we pray that You will restore them to a place where they can be a blessing to so many others in need of true relationships...............and we pray this morning for Dale Gentry as he ministers at Gateway Church in Roswell, New Mexico..............we ask that You bless him and anoint him.................and send another spiritual awakening to America...............we ask these things in Jesus name............amen.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 05:10:00 +0000

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