Good Sunday morning friends and family. Today is the 222nd day of - TopicsExpress


Good Sunday morning friends and family. Today is the 222nd day of 2014. 143 days remain in the year. I have started the day off slowly. I arose at my normal time. However, after eating breakfast and reading the Sunday paper I returned to bed and slept anoth 90 minutes! This will set the pace for my Sunday. It will be a leisurely day. I will do things as I choose and what does not get done will still be here for tomorrow. Currently, the weather is sunny and 68 degrees in Sparks. The weather should be beautiful throughout the day with a high temperature of just 82 degrees and humidity ranging from 75 to 45%. On a scale of 1 to 12, todays allergy levle is 8.3 (medium-high). Today in history - 1792 - During the French Revolution, mobs in Paris stormed the Tuileries Palace, home of King Louis XVI. The king was later arrested, put on trial and executed. 1821 - Missouri became the 24th state of the Union. 1846 - President James Polk signed a measure establishing the Smithsonian Institution. 1944 - During WWII, American forces overcame remaining Japanese resistance on the Island of Guam. 1949 - The National Military Establishment was renamed the Department of Defense. 1969 - The nation was stunned by the LaBianca murders by members of Charles Mansons cult, one day after actress Sharon Tate and four others had been slain. 1977 - Postal employee David Berkowitz was arrested in Yonkers, New York, accused of being the Son of Sam gunman and responsible for 6 slayings and 7 woundings. Berkowitz is serving six consecutive 25-years-to-life sentences. 1988 - President Ronald Regan signed a measure providing $20,000 payments to still-living Japanese-Americans whod been interned by the government during WWII. Did you know less than 2 percent of the water on Earth is fresh? In a typical Canadian home 45% of the water is used for the toilet, 28% is used for bathing an personal matters, 23% is used for laundry or dishwashing, and 4 % is used for cooking and drinking. (If anyone can provide similar information for U.S. households, please share it with me!) Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not. [Thomas Henry Huxley] Everyone enjoy this beautiful Sunday!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:30:23 +0000

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