Good Thursday Evening to you My Dear Friends .How are you? - TopicsExpress


Good Thursday Evening to you My Dear Friends .How are you? FYI.. On behalf of SUPP, I sent the article for tomorrow publication in Sarawak newspapers.. Best wishes and Have a Fabulous Evening. Seb (Sarawak United Peoples Party, through Dato Sebastian Ting the Secretary General, who also heads the Land and Housing Committee in the Party, welcomes and congratulates the Minister YB Datuk Amar Abang Johari on his announcement that the Government would build 3500 affordable houses in Sarawak for the next three years and that there would be a Special Housing Loan Scheme to assist those lower income group. People of all races require reasonable shelter and roof over their heads, for their families and loved ones.. Since the beginning of time a shelter and a roof was and still is a necessity. Thus housing is an important part of our life journey. Here we are talking about the affordable houses only for the low income group.. Prices of properties have rocketed beyond the reach of this low income group.. They dont have the money to buy properties in the open market.. What about the middle income group? They too are having a tough time and indeed a challenge to save for just the deposit to pay for a house . Just like the low income group, prices of properties are beyond their reach. In West Malaysia the government is building 1 Prima houses between RM300, 000 to RM 500,000 with govt subsidising 20% of the purchase price. We are happy to note here that on the 24th October 2014, the Federal Government announced two Priima Projects in Sarawak , namely DBKU and Padawan areas consisting of 1877 units from $235k and 1560 units from $198k respectively. In November 2013, a year ago, Datuk Amar Abang Johari announced that according to the studies conducted, about 8000 to 10,000 Prima houses would be required and built in Kuching, Sibu (Nangka area) and Miri (Permyjaya area) to accommodate the increasing population and migration and new families. He further added that this would provide the young working graduates and families of middle and low income groups an opportunity to own a house. This great news was last year and we surely hope that these projects can be implemented soon. We also hope that such Prima houses be built in Bintulu. Securing a banking loan from the normal banking institutions is always a major headache for purchasers of HDCS houses, as the purchasers are normally from poor, low and middle income groups. This is more so, with the present strict and stringent loan guidelines by the banks. Many purchasers are unable to borrow money to finance the purchasers of HDCS houses. Even if those purchasers can secure housing loans from these banks, the bank interest will be market rate and it follows that the monthly loan repayment will be high. Default payments are not uncommon. It is therefore the duty of the government to find solutions for her people. On this, there is this excellent news, the introduction of a Special Housing Loan Scheme to finance the housing need of those who are unable to borrow money from the normal banking institutions to finance their purchases of HDCS houses. We would like to congratulate the Government especially The Minister of Housing YB Datuk Amar Abang Johari for this announcement during his winding up speech. This Special Housing Loan Scheme will be implemented by Mutiara Mortgage and Credit Sdn Bhd, a wholly owned subsidiary of HDC next year after the technicalities and management team are in place. On the number of affardable houses and Prima houses, we should have more affordable houses and should also have 1 Prima houses in Sarawak to cater for different income groups Most people in their entire lives, very often than not, can only afford to buy a house and thus a house to provide warm and comfort to their loved ones. With such a warm surrounding parents hope their children will be able to study well and prepare for their examinations. They can make full use of all the modern information technology and acquire up to date knowledge. With better education their future will be so much better. That is the dream and wish of all parents. In Sarawak we are given to understand that we have just over 8000 squatters families and in Miri alone, we have over 3900 squatters families.. The 3500 affordable houses which includes 742 affordable houses planned for Miri as per the announcement, is therefore grossly insufficient. More over, there are many people who are still paying monthly rental, the tenants. That being said, the 3500 affordable houses for the next three years are a good start but Sarawak requires more.. Federal Governmenjt should or must provide the necessary funding for both the affordable houses and Prima houses. Sarawak with its vast land bank can provide the necessary land.) The Chinese Version. . 砂拉越人民联合党中央秘书长拿督陈超耀律师欢迎砂州房屋部长拿督阿玛阿邦佐哈里日前作出政府将在未来3年,于州内兴建3500间可负担房屋,并透过政府房屋贷款机构让低收入阶级人士能够买屋的宣布。 也是砂人联党中央常务土地与房屋小组委员会主席的陈超耀认为,部长这项宣布,对于有意购屋的平民百姓来说,无疑是个好消息。 他说,一直以来砂州各族人民都非常重视房屋的课题,因为房屋是人们的基本要求,尤其是对于那些组织家庭的人士,拥有自己的房屋更为重要。 他表示,低收入阶级人士的薪水,根本无法负担沉重的购屋开销,加上房屋价格一直高涨,这让有意购屋的普通百姓,只能望屋兴叹。而政府所兴建的可负担房屋,就能为他们解决这方面的苦恼。 “至于中等收入阶级人士方面,他们也必须花上一段时间,存钱作为购屋的首期。但是,他们永远无法赶上房屋价格的涨势,这使到他们购屋也面对困难。” 陈超耀指出,在西马,一马房屋机构兴建的房屋价格介于30万令吉至50万令吉之间,而政府对于屋价提供20%的津贴。 他强调,设法为人民解决购屋问题,是政府理应该做的事。在砂州应该要有更多可负担房屋,而一马房屋机构的房屋也应在州内兴建,满足不同阶层的购屋者。 “联邦政府必须为人民提供必要的协助,包括兴建更多可负担房屋或一马房屋,让人民受惠。毕竟砂州拥有辽阔的土地,可作为建屋用途。” 他说,在今年10月24日,联邦政府宣布在砂州落实两项一马房屋计划,分别位于柏特拉再也地区和巴达旺地区,计划涉及1877间价值为23万5000令吉的房屋单位,以及价值19万8000令吉的1560间房屋单位。 另外,他指出,在砂州共有超过8000户居住在非法木屋的家庭,单是美里就有3900户。因此,目前人民对于可负担房屋的需求是庞大的。 “虽然政府决定在未来3年兴建3500间可负担房屋,其中在美里区的可负担房屋计划占742间,但还远远未足够。” 陈超耀指出,去年11月份,阿邦佐哈里宣布8000至1万单位的一马房屋将在古晋、诗巫及美里兴建,各地区的单位分配是依据人口增长而定,这对于中低收入阶层来说无疑是好消息。不过,他也希望一马房屋能在民都鲁兴建。 另一方面,对于房屋贷款的课题,他欣慰看到州政府设立房屋贷款机构Mutiara Mortgage and Credit Sdn Bhd,让符合条件者申请房屋贷款。
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:01:01 +0000

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