Good Wednesday morning everybody. Its time to pray America! - TopicsExpress


Good Wednesday morning everybody. Its time to pray America! Father God.............we pray this morning for the pastors in Houston who are receiving subpoenas concerning their sermon materials and communications with their parishioners...............may every Christian know this morning that the war on our religious freedoms are now under attack and that Satan desires to silence every minister in America who dares to speak out against perversion in this nation.............We pray for Senator Ted Cruz as he stands with these men of God in Houston...............who have chosen to speak against perversion in their city............may every church leader in America rise to stand with this group of men who are standing for righteousness and against the wishes of the gay mayor of Texas largest city..............and we pray for every pastor this morning who has already chosen to remain silent because of the extreme Grace message they are preaching............remaining neutral because they believe that their parishioners somehow are free to commit any sin they desire to participate in and still partake of the kingdom of heaven.............we pray for these pastors all across America who are deceiving their parishioners by teaching them that they are now free to commit every sin of the flesh and still inherit the kingdom of God.............. Lord we cry out for another spiritual awakening in America............a major revival in every major city..................a Holy Ghost outpouring that will change the climate of this nation before we totally consume ourselves on ourselves until there is a total breakdown of morality in this us Lord before we come to a place where everyone does that which is right in their own eyes..........a place where people call good evil and evil good.............we need You now Lord.............send a revival to a thousand cities in America we Jesus name.............amen. BPN Radio is coming soon. Dale Gentry will be leading daily prayer over computers, smart phones and radio devices.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 05:05:00 +0000

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