Good after noon, wherever you may be, and So Be It, let us - TopicsExpress


Good after noon, wherever you may be, and So Be It, let us simply proceed here to tell the story, as we continue to unveil the data and information that is contained within the vaults of your genetic memory and unlock the locks that have been bound for so long, as we provide you with the key unto the ultimate reclamation of your own individual greatness. So Be It. What you would call long ago, in quite another band of frequency, there exists a beautiful Garden. Her name is Eden. She is moist, she is verdant, and she is pristine. She is likened unto a great womb for she is a mother to many beautiful and innocent species of life itself. The very core of her being is based upon the fulfillment of sweet desire, and therein, she is filled with life, butterflies upon jeweled wing, the honeyed essence of pendulous flowers, the loamy depths of forests, the tenderness of cool waters, the varied notes of calling birds, the savor of ripened fruit, elegantly furred creatures purring with delight, the swiftness of fish, the undulation of fragrant in harmony, and in joy, and in peace. It is within this Garden that we planted our seed, combined with the clay, and made flesh, to bring forth more abundantly immaculate life, immortal life, One that are Two that are One, Masculine and Feminine Principles, Direct Extension of Prime Creator Source, our children in The Garden, unto forever mated pair, Ram and Sita, innocent and new, not children but inexperienced, Creators. And indeed Eden was likened unto a great womb, for her biosphere was replete with ambient moisture, rich in mineralized content. The biosphere of Eden served as an immaculate conductor of electrum. And thought is electrum. And so is emotion. It is through that watery conduit that Ram and Sita intimately shared their thoughts, and the full experience of every sensation with each other, without boundary of any kind. The velvet texture of a leaf, the suppleness of limbs, the savor of scent, the shimmer of a bird upon the wing, the very music of the spheres, in joy and in innocent laughter. And as they walked in Eden, Ram and Sita, Masculine and Feminine, Mated Pair, One that are Two that are One unto forever, flowers bloomed at their feet, for their every desire was so made manifest, in innocence and in purity, and joy was all that they knew. For their genetic, Original, Prime, Primal, and Primordial Gold, was based upon the feeling tone of Joy itself, and that emotion, singular in its nature, The Golden Thread, carried within it the template of Joy and only Joy, for they did not know fear, and they did not know pain, and they did not know guilt, or shame, and they did not suffer. Only Joy. Only Innocence. Only Purity. Their existence in Eden was like a symphony, whose harmonies were extended back and forth one unto the other, upon and through that moist and fluid biosphere, with every sensation and every creative act translated unto wisdom, based exclusively upon the frequency of Joy itself. And we, Prime Creator Source, their Great Parents, placed them there within The Garden to play and to learn, and to create, through the auspices of our own Original Prime Golden Genetic that we had granted them. [Source: Archives of the House of Ram]
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 06:22:53 +0000

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