Good afternoon Piggies, once again, stresses of work and being a - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon Piggies, once again, stresses of work and being a giddy little Piggy waiting for the Bradford Vs Leeds game meant i havent had much chance to update this page and once again, i apologise. Last night we rolled up at Goals expecting to play the rock bottom of the league and fantastically names Gangs Of Dwight Yorke but instead we found we were playing the unbeaten 100% win ratio league superstars and chief mules The Inbetweeners who had beaten us a couple of weeks ago 8-2 and basically taken the piss, which is not something the Pigs take lightly! After making numerous phone calls we arrived with a squad of 6 which was:- Paul Jarvis, Alan Cuff, Duaney Forrester, Matthew Regan, Aidan Holroyd and Paul Burton. As usual the Pigs started playing a good possession style of play which the Inbetweeners tried to unsettle, but being complete mules, they couldnt!! It took over 15 minutes for the deadlock to be broken when tired legs allowed the league leaders to take the lead. To be fair they battered us for the rest of the half and Duane in net made some unbelievable saves to keep the score at 1-0. Disaster struck at half time as Burton went for a drink of water and started throwing up!! He arrived back at pitchside just in time for a lucky deflection sneak into our goal and make the score 2-0. Moments later Regan had to leave the pitch with an injured ankle which brought the vomit smelling Burton back onto the pitch. Now as the game approached the last 10 minutes, the Inbetweeners suddenly started to look tired and the fitness of your FK Pigs came to the fore. Cuff was winning all his tackles, Burton was getting loads of space as no one wanted to go near him, Holroyd was starting to bully his opponents and Jarvis was showing the silky skills that made him famous. It was from a Jarvis shot that flicked the post and rebounded to Holroyd, who showed great composure to evade his marker and square a ball back to Jarvis to rifle into the bottom corner and give the Pigs a chance. The oppo started arguing with each other and the ref, which didnt help when he awarded us a penalty with just under 5 minutes remaining and a chance to draw level. Jarvis stepped up and drilled the ball towards the bottom corner but the keeper (whod dived the wrong way) somehow managed to get a foot to the ball and clear it. The Pigs were heart broken and the oppo for some strange reason, started time wasting and hoping to see the game out 2-1. Very strange from them but obviously winning a 5 a side league at Goals on a Tuesday night means a lot to some people!! Anyway, as their chief mule, who goes by the name of Ronaldinho Frye (yes you heard it right), tries walking back to his goal deep into the last minute of the game, blatantly time wasting, Burton hit him with a stinging tackle and the ball rolled past the stranded Inbetweeners keeper and into the bottom corner. Scenes of huge laughter greeted the goal, the Pig Pen were more impressed that the oppo had blown a chance to beat us rather than the fact that wed taken a point. Youve never seen arguments like it, youd have thought theyd conceded a last minute winner in the FA Cup final. Much respect must go to The Inbetweeners goalkeeper, Ian Lee, who had a great game, just not as good as Duane in our goal. Final score 2-2. The FK Pigs have a free week next week, but im sure there will be some important updates on this page over the next week. Oink Oink Piggies
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 12:19:53 +0000

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