Good afternoon RR community! Khalil here, also known as Dyrus, - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon RR community! Khalil here, also known as Dyrus, nightblue3, gosu, Moobeat and Tupac. :) Im here to discuss my take on 4.14s solo queue God Tier champions base on my take on the patchs tier lists. Tier lists are lists of champions arranged by viability. Champions that are the most rewarding are placed in God tier, while champions that have little reward even when given much effort. Please note that my takes on the tier lists are influenced by Reign of Gaming and Nerfplz tier lists. Ill be giving 2 examples per role. Lend me your opinions and stick around for a healthy discussion! :) To complement, heres a quick list of balance changes Nerfs: Gragas, Kassadin, Kogmaw, Maokai, Morgana, Orianna, Rengar, Syndra, Xerath, Relic Shield and its upgrades Buffs: Zed Tweaks : Sanguine Blade Indirect buffs : Heimerdinger, Quinn, Zilean | Mages | Swain - I can safely say that most mid laners in low elo are missing out on something big. His kit rocks the mid lane meta to the core. He has sustain, lock down, damage amplification for himself (no need to neglect autoattacks then), and an ultimate that makes him turn into a Raid Boss. To quote a famous Midlaner : Hes too tanky. VelKoz - due to the Ziggs nerfs, Ziggs viability as a Jihadist toned down to the point where he went down a tier. Goodbye bombs, hello lasers. Velkoz poke, damage, wave clear and outstanding true damage burst shouldnt be neglected. The only thing that doesnt give him him the title of a true Ziggs replacement is his lack of global presence and escape mechanism. | Marksmen | Tristana - Nakakaiyak talaga yung recent ADC Itemization changes. Due to the indirect nerfs to ADCs that rely on BTs 100 AD and indirect buffs to rightclick champions that have a long reach, Tristana pretty much climbed the tiers in an instant. Twitch is out of the picture because of the nerfs, while Kogmaw was also nerfed in this patch (but nonetheless still strong), so I regret to say that Tristana is still the ADC that has the strongest late game. Lucian - We all know what we they did to Barat-tat-tat Obamas E mechanic. The nerfs to Relentless Pursuit didnt tone down Lucians strengths to the point that he wouldnt be called OP anymore. | Top Laners | Warwick - Im surprised I still dont see this often. He has sustain, strong auto attacks AND a life leech that deals damage based on the targets maximum HP. He also has that lock down that can decide teamfights in a blink of Master Yis eyes. Go ahead and build your core Sunfire Cape against this lycanthrope. His Q doesnt give a shit. Oh wait, youre building magic resist instead? Too bad, hes already half way done with his BOTRK. :) Maokai - Has the same mechanics as Warwick top, except with more wave clear, less dueling potential, weaker pressure that can force his lane opponent to rethink his build path a dozen times, and a more gamewinning ultimate. Your choice. | Junglers | Rammus - He melts Carries late game and is regarded as the most tankiest of all League of Legend champions. Build full tank, get a shit ton amount of AD and W reflect damage. Taunt, turn on your vibrator, win the game. However, it does take a bit of flawless decision making when using this champion. There are times where you are tasked to peel for your carry, rather than focus the enemy counterpart. There are also times where you are supposed to do both in alternate succession as successfully as possible, so keep in mind that Rammus cant secure your climb unless youve mastered him. Fiddlesticks - one of my favorites in Solo Queue, Fiddlesticks late game and kickass post-6 ganks are the bane of bot lanes everywhere. He can take objectives early due to being able to tank Dragon and Baron with Drain, his teamwide silence gives so much disruption, and his Fear peels so hard. His worst downside, like Amumu, is that he is so easy to counterjungle. | Supports | Morgana - Ill green text this champion instead: > Dream Coil > Black Shield > Spellthief procs so easily due to W > 2 second bind at Level 1 Q > Black Shield Leona - Still a fan favorite. Her Sunlight marks do a good job in bursting down squishies in the early game, and her back-to-back CC is the nightmare of carries with no Cleanse and the dream of steady DPS champions. A good Leona can use Zenith Blade in any way possible just to get to her targets, whether theres a brick wall like Braum in the way or not. Lahat naman ng LoLPH players gusto maaction eh, so Leona wouldnt be kicked out of the picture anytime soon. Thats pretty much it. Kung may tanong kayo about a champs viability and other things like counters and playstyles in the current meta, please ask away. Ill try to answer, basta wag sumpungin si Interwebs. This is my first God Tier discussion post and there would be more in the future. Thanks and ciao! :)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:35:15 +0000

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