Good afternoon all, Please see below a copy of letter that has - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon all, Please see below a copy of letter that has been sent to the following TDs on behalf of the campaign. Noel Harrington, Michael Creed, Michael Mc Grath, Jim Daly and Michael Mc Carthy. Please feel free to edit the letter for your own use and send to other TDs around the country. Kind regards, Owen Boyden Dear TD’s I trust you are fully aware that Cork County Council, at their most recent meeting, unanimously passed a motion calling for the immediate cessation of water fluoridation in Ireland. This move from the nation’s largest County Council has huge implications for the continuation of Ireland’s mandatory water fluoridation policy. Ireland’s mandatory water fluoridation policy constitutes “involuntary medication” and therefore contravenes and violates the first point of the Nuremberg Code, the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (1997), Articles 3 and 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998, Article 35 of the European Charter for Fundamental Human Rights and the United Nations Covenant on the Rights of the Child. These Acts basically state that voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential and a Government is forbidden from giving a person any medicine or drug without their consent. These aforementioned Acts are in place to prevent breaches of internationally recognised human rights that accord on the individual, inalienable rights to self determination and full bodily integrity, which supersedes individual country’s own domestic constitutions. Public water fluoridation in Ireland is therefore immoral and illegal. Public water fluoridation currently results in 3.6 million Irish (Source 2011 census – 80% dependent on public supplies) people being medicated without knowledge or consent. In the entire course of my experience with this campaign, I have met an overwhelming number of people who do not wish to be medicated involuntarily, do not wish to ingest fluoride and are concerned about the negative health effects which may result. Many were not aware that the dose is being randomly administered as there is no monitoring of individual intake. This policy stems from a time in Ireland when the Magdalene Laundries amongst others were being legally and morally sanctioned by Government. I am glad and proud that Cork County Council recognise the seriousness of the situation and have passed a damning motion calling for an end to this outdated and dangerous practice from this point on, in line with what they feel, is general public sentiment to this policy here in County Cork. This is along with 10 other County Councils representing over 1.8million people in Ireland who over the last 14 years have also called into question this outdated and dangerous public health policy. The ECJ (European Court of Justice) in 2005 ruled water dosed with fluoride as a medicine cannot be used in the preparation of foods. Where there is any confusion over whether a product is intended as a food or medicinal product, medicinal product labeling requirements and classification must take precedence. Since one of Ireland’s biggest economic contributors is the food and drinks export industry, Ireland currently runs the risk of a huge legal case being initiated against us for products entering other countries with unknown quantities of a banned biocidal product, which fails to meet legally recognised labeling requirements. The scale of this potential catastrophe would be giant compared to the Irish pork industry crisis experienced in 2008 in which thousands of jobs were lost or threatened. This point was also raised during the debate of the recent motion in Cork County Hall. In response to the proposed international review group that is to be set up, (while we welcome the fact that the Government is acknowledging that water fluoridation is an issue which must be addressed) I feel: 1 – This is a total waste of taxpayers money. 2 – Are the Government admitting that the current “Expert Body” is flawed, inadequate and not up to the task of making a logical decision towards public water fluoridation based on common EU precedent. 3 – The logical step for the Government to take now, is to put an end to water fluoridation instead of employing delay and PR tactics that the people are sick and tired of. As the Coordinator for the West Cork Fluoride Free Campaign, which takes into account every regional Town Council (6) having passed motions calling for the immediate cessation of water fluoridation in Ireland, in addition to which Cork County Council recently gave it’s explicit backing for, I hereby call on you as a TD for West Cork to stand with the people you represent and let your senior colleagues in Government know that they must immediately end public water fluoridation. I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience at which I can convey your response to the people of West Cork and across the country. Yours sincerely, Owen Boyden P.S. For your information, this is a public letter.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 13:40:01 +0000

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