Good afternoon angels, another blessed day our Lord has made. We - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon angels, another blessed day our Lord has made. We were blessed today to be interviewed on La Salud Del Valle by the gorgeous Claudia Tamez. I spoke about Anthony Riveras invitation to represent the USA in Scotland this coming October. I also spoke about how alarming the rise in autism is to me and I am sure to other parents. I think we need to move beyond awareness to the next step and that is to demand that our legislators, doctors researchers , our President and anyone with the authority to figure out what is causing this EPIDEMIC! It is now 1 in 68 children today being born with some sort of Autism. Just 2 years ago it was 1 in 88, if not now WHEN are we going to get pissed off enough to have our voices heard? We are creating entire generations of people who will be unable to function or care for themselves in their lifetime. My son will turn 43 next month and he still depends on me for his every need and will continue to do so for the rest of his life. Granted, he has made great strides since I was told he would NEVER walk, talk or be able to feed himself. That didnt come easy, it was a lot of work, worth every minuet. But there are children that are born to parents that for one reason or another cant or wont give their children the time and effort it takes to make sure they dont get stuck, for lack of a better word, in that stage where they dont learn or make developmental advances. I, for one, am frustrated with the awareness part of autism, I think the whole world is aware it exist, its time to turn the blue bulb into loud screaming RED one that say its an EMERGENCY, pay attention NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, rant over, glad I got that off my chest. I need a nap. Have a wonderful day angels, blessings
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 18:23:27 +0000

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