Good afternoon / evening world. Normally I write here quotes from - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon / evening world. Normally I write here quotes from my acquired wisdom or from famous people who are no smarter than you, but study human nature and read a lot. But today I am doing something a bit different. I am going to tell you why there can never be an even distribution of wealth and many go to bed at night hungry. You see, there are many opportunities in the world such as this one, to make those who try, reasonably wealthy. Yes I am talking to all of you reading this. So why are so many struggling, beating their heads against the wall and going nowhere? Well the answers my friends is simpler than you think. Most of the opportunities on here, do work IN THEORY. Those who hold the world wealth, (new money) have done so by taking huge risks with the banks money, in other words your money and if they failed, they just simply claim bankruptcy and live another day to try again. Those of old money, just simply inherited and just keep re-investing. But, what of you and me, who cant or dont want to use other peoples money and face a certain high percentage of bankruptcy, leaving the taxpayer holding the bag. We DO have that opportunity. However those in a position of power and money, will try to discourage it, though word of mouth or the media as pyramids and scams, when they themselves who run multiple pyramids at the same time, otherwise known as co-operations. With themselves at the apex and the general labourers, who break their backs to pay the rent at the bottom. Dont get me wrong, some are scams, ran by greedy evil people who NEVER get ahead in life by scaming others and doing such stupidities. Why do you think pyramids are illegal? NOT that I promote them, but its not to protect the people at the bottom from ever reaching the top as the media would have you believe. It is to protect those at the bottom who either have no knowledge how a computer works or stop the cycle. But if you really think about, anyone with a little knowledge and drive has that same opportunity as the next guy and the government stands a chance in collecting big time without lifting a finger through taxation. Then there are those, who try hard but dont have the capacity to understand the working mechanics of business or have the understanding of how a computer works beyond checking their e- mail and spending the day on Facebook. For those people we pity and can only do our best to help them as much as we can. But for the rest of us, we dont succeed because of greed and stupidity. You see collectively your network does not only just work in theory, but in practice as well, but individually it doesnt work for anyone. You see we are always getting into things, with the mentality of whats in it for me without doing anything or minimal work. We are always thinking, well if I purchase from the company, I am just making my sponsor money, without much gain for myself. What we dont realize is that we expect others to do that exact same thing, what we are not willing to do for our up-lines. So when we fail to help one another, that is when systems fail and it all falls apart. Then we create our own illusion that networking is a scam and doesnt work. And so, the only opportunity available to the working class and the poor to make something of themselves gets washed down the drain with a bad wrap. We live in a me generation, of greed and ignorance, but if we just take the position of loving thy neighbour and truly have a giving heart for others. We would all have more than enough and poverty, we would know NO more. Check things through before discarding it as spam or scam. You will live a better life. teamglobalimpact/full-presentation/?ref=paulduarte
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:52:04 +0000

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