Good afternoon my friends... Shalom Agape... This video is so - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon my friends... Shalom Agape... This video is so on point. Please watch and share. God is moving in on the stars out there. Please excuse some of the language, but Tyrese is keeping it real for the all to see. ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must take up their cross daily’ Luke 9:23 NIV An army lieutenant called his platoon together and spoke: ‘Okay boys, I’m looking for volunteers. Chances are, this mission won’t succeed and many of you won’t come back. If you’re interested, step forward.’ Everybody looked around, then took a collective step backwards, leaving one unsuspecting ‘volunteer’ standing alone. God is not looking for ‘involuntary volunteers’ like that poor guy. Jesus said, ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily.’ He wants people who are willing to leave their comfort zone; to give up their expectations that life be lived on their terms; to sacrifice everything for people who may never know they did it; to pay the price so that God’s purposes can be fulfilled. And what’s more, He expects us to do it ‘daily’. When Jesus said, ‘Whoever does not carry his own cross…cannot be My disciple’ (Luke 14:27 NAS), He wasn’t asking us to do something He Himself hasn’t done. Oswald Chambers said, ‘If we are devoted to the cause of humanity we will be crushed and broken-hearted, for we shall often meet with ingratitude…But if our motive is love for God, no ingratitude will hinder us from serving our fellow man.’ John says, ‘We understand what love is when we realise Christ gave His life for us. 100 Shalom SLJ
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 12:57:01 +0000

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