Good afternoon to all of you out there in Facebook land! It’s a - TopicsExpress


Good afternoon to all of you out there in Facebook land! It’s a beautiful day. I’ve been busy. Mowed the yard, did the weed-eater routine, hung three hanging baskets of begonias, watered all the plants, and then stood back and reviewed the fruits of my labor and saw that it looked good. Oh, I almost forgot, I sprayed a couple of wasp nests, too. I know they are God’s little creatures but I don’t want them hanging around my place. I showered and rested a bit and made my way to the mailbox. Do you look forward to getting the mail? I do. For about 30+ years I would open my mailbox to occasionally find a surprise note from a special friend. They were never long dissertations; just short notes of encouragement and love. She always included a scripture verse. The amazing thing was her choice of scripture and words would be uncannily relative to some situation in my life. It had to be God! I don’t get those little notes anymore because my longtime friend is in heaven with Jesus. I sure do miss them. The church was filled with people at her memorial service. As each one stood and presented their tribute to this great lady of ninety plus years, heads nodded in agreement throughout the congregation as they spoke of how they would go to their mailboxes and find these little nuggets of wisdom and encouragement at times when they needed them most. It was if everyone present had received such notes. For years, when her children asked what she wanted for Christmas, her answer was always, “stationery and stamps!” I often wondered if she had a list of all our names and as she gave her praise to Father each morning, He would show her which one of us needed a note that day. Just imagine what she could have accomplished with Facebook! I said all of this to remind each of you to never take for granted the impressions you feel in your heart. Have you considered that God may be speaking to you? I hear people say, “He or she has really been on my mind lately”. Hello! That’s your signal. Okay, what do you do? First, pray for them and ask Father if there is something He wants you to do. It might be just pray or maybe something else. The important thing is to take action! Father may want you to be a life preserver for someone drowning in an ocean of despair. The fact of the matter is, it will probably do you more good than it will the other person! See, God has a peculiar way of doing things. He doesn’t think like we think. He says we reap whatever we sow. Now, I grew up on a farm and if you planted peas, you got peas. If you planted corn you got corn. In other words, if you want to reap encouragement and love you have to sow encouragement and love. Take a minute to consider what you are harvesting. How does it compare to what you are sowing? This is not about money and finances, it’s about obedience to God. It’s about doing whatever He asks you to do. It’s about thinking about other people instead of just thinking about yourself. It’s about doing things for others when no one else sees. It’s about letting Jesus in you, work through you to meet your needs as well as those of others. As you ponder about the impressions that come into your heart, remember “Jesus Loves YOU!” (This post is dedicated to my dear, precious friend, Norene Draper Bates.)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 21:46:36 +0000

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