Good and Evil have the same face, it all depends on the point at - TopicsExpress


Good and Evil have the same face, it all depends on the point at which stand in the way of man. Good and evil are two basic human values that define the boundaries of centuries of human morality. According to the biblical messages at the beginning there were only: the good, the harmony with nature and the blissful ignorance of existence. Only when Eve, at the instigation of the serpent, God tasted the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and it poczęstowania Adam idyll shattered. Thus, in the culture of the Christian provenance of good and evil is just that, a woman is a carrier of the latter. Was it possible the creation of any ethics or if Eve has not accepted the forbidden apple from the snake? In other words, whether the presence of good and evil on earth is non-transferable, if only because it helps us to distinguish and separate from each other both of these values? What would be good if they did not give Eve tempted? Simply put - the natural state of things, such as everyone else. Creating a moral codes, attaching importance to observe the values began to be possible only after the man noticed that the essence of this world is dualism, abrasion of two opposing forces: Light and Darkness, Good and Evil. For this reason, the act of Eve deserves a lot of attention. The concepts of good and evil exist in the minds of the people has always been, from the beginning of the world because they had to cope with situations of difficult choices between them. Each epoch slightly different approached to the issue of morality and modern times we are in this respect very interesting, because it is often said of them as the era of unicestwianych value. St. Augustine wrote: Evil is not any nature, and the name does not mean anything else but the lack of good. Man is strong in a world in which he lives, to which he is accustomed. When rotated at a certain ground. Only in extreme situations shows its true I when you need each other to survive. It is not always the behavior is the same as in everyday life. Often, accidents cause people to risk their lives, when someone is in danger. Just then, a man is true. It is in an extreme situation Cruzoe- Robinson was a young guy who does not appreciate the value of life, puffing on a ship, do not know how dangerous it can be a journey. It was only when he woke up on the beach a small and uninhabited islands, he realized how much he could lose. Then the easiest way would be to give up, to die of hunger, but he decided to fight. Just then, helpless boy became a man, responsible for their own fate. He showed real character. In the case of the young hero evil was a lonely life in very difficult conditions, daily struggle for survival. Antigone, embroiled in a conflict between his own actions and the higher forces, tried to influence the fate of his family and not respecting the prohibition of King Creon, brother secretly buried. Helplessness in the face of the tragic fate always leads to a hopeless situation, and the right choice is taken away from us. The heroine was a tragic situation and each of her decision was both good and evil, so in accordance with the ethics of action was impossible. In the drama, Sophocles shows excellent smoothness and delicacy of the boundaries between good and evil, and reminds us that these terms have different dimension and definition in the light of the different events and can often be equivalent. Konrad Wallenrod make risky career choice. Acting with good intentions, resorted to heinous methods according to the principle that the end justifies the means and violating the code of ethics and honor penetrates to the Teutonic Order to stop the enemy in his own lair. It is the only way that would allow Lithuania to drop the yoke invader. In unusual situations, threatening our freedom and the freedom of ethical instincts are perverted, and our lives will inevitably accompanied by fear and anger. Conspiratorial activities Kordian, fueled by hatred of Cara, helped the hero decide to kill the tyrant. Despite the appointment, in which he believed, that lead the Polish, as Winkelried European nations, to Kordian and so becomes a killing Tsar Nicholas. Feelings of love and longing allow us to have a constant awareness of past mistakes, and yet they are the only perpetrators of these behaviors. Dedication of personal happiness due to higher performance and foxy and deceitful behavior Konrad Wallenrod were caused by his patriotism and great sorrow over the loss of their homeland. Conscious use of evil as a tool that will lead to happiness does not necessarily end in disaster. Wallenrod, romantic hero, accomplished his purpose in life and saved the country. But never with evil is born good, as evidenced by the unhappy and unfulfilled love Wallenroda to Aldona, and closing Kordian hospital for the mentally ill. Zofia Nałkowska factual stories Fri. Medallions show shocking images from the life of Poles and Jews. Existing evil around them, unfortunately, did not leave them the right choice. Staying in camps, hiding and working for the Germans, people were forced to accept the new world order. Many of them accepted the stringent laws of the camps, shameful work and the thought of death, because only ensure that they have the right to continue living. The others tried to save and preserve the remnants of humanity itself, but in the time of departure of a normal life irretrievable lost their human instincts. Love, kindness and compassion become a memorial, an ordinary memory, which they were not able to understand or feel again. Good and evil prevailing in the world is undoubtedly one of the issues raised by the novel Zeromski Fri. Homeless people. It is here that the author presented the hero struggling every day with evil, with reluctance and lack of entrepreneurship among the people around him. Dr. Judym wanted to play the role of social worker helping all people. He wanted to treat everyone, rich and poor. Their work considered for the service, the mission of which he was perfectly fulfilled. Condemned materialism, conformity. Seek to ensure that health professionals to treat diseases and their consequences. He tried to pursue positivist password grassroots work and community work. He believed that the lower classes to improve awareness of their existence. He cared so particular about hygiene. Dr. Judym chose good and decided to devote himself to the idea of the end. He moved away from each other happy family life, love Joanna, joy, peace and wealth. This is illustrated by his own words: I have neither father nor mother, nor his wife, nor the one thing that I would have pressed to the heart with love, as long as the face of the earth will not disappear these vile nightmares. Through your generosity, the desire to help other people Judym become lonely. Loneliness chose rejecting love Joanna, but it was also the result of a lack of agreement with other doctors. He felt alienated in their environment. Judym reminds us too often romantic heroes. His goodness and love for people made her feel responsible for the fate of each individual and does not want to accept the indifference and passivity in the face of society. The hero utters the words: I am responsible to my spirit that in me cries out - do not let. Dr. Judym is a tragic figure, is experiencing internal conflict, tear. Is sensitive and responsive, but also can rebel and shout NO lukewarm toward the materialists who chose evil. Evil existing in the song appears primarily among the propertied classes indifferent to the fate of other people. Evil lies even among doctors who deliberately forget the obligation which has been imposed on them. Serve only the rich people, not caring or the harsh living conditions of people living in the suburbs of large cities, or the effects of widespread diseases among the poorest. Evil lurks also among managers in cisach center. They care only about the health of the people in the institutions, the rest of them do not care. So pollute the surrounding springs and water. Also represent the evil factory owners, the capitalists who exploit cheap labor. Stefan Zeromski so perfectly showed concomitant strength of good and evil, proved that every person has the opportunity to make a choice. It is no coincidence that the fight against evil are primarily forced doctors. Often endanger their health, sometimes even their lives to save others. Each graduate of the Medical University oath that you will need life saving in all conditions. The Plague - powieść- parabola dealing with the problem of moral choices and human responsibility for themselves and others. One interpretation assumes that the title is an evil plague that not only prevails in the world, but it is inside every human being (I know for sure that everyone carries the plague, for no one, no one in the world is free of it.) . The fight against the epidemic, which destroys people, in fact, the fight against evil, which is not a punishment for sin sent by God, but derives from the man himself. People will never win with him; triumph over evil is not eternal (... bacillus never dies of plague and does not disappear, perhaps for decades remain dormant ...). Occupation literature was full of tracks that offer examples of good and evil born during the war. Especially often appeared evil. Keep in mind though that it was mostly the result of the conditions that created man in a new, cruel world. But there are situations in which the emerging evil did not have significant sources, was evil in itself. People who do them guided by selfishness and desire to survive at any cost. Thats how people have made a choice between good and evil during the occupation, we can accurately trace in the novel Szczypiorski Fri. The Beginning. The author of the song posted a gallery of human types, presented a variety of attitudes towards evil, which brought with it a war. Negative character who chose evil, is undoubtedly beautiful Lolo. He loved to hunt for Jews to blackmail them, receive the rest of the property. Bullied them, like it when fleeing the winding streets of the city. He loved the fun and gave hope that the later quickly answer. Beautiful Lolo was an absolute materialist. Jew who did not have the assets, it was nothing to him. Suchowiak meeting and accused him of Jewish descent ended for him failed. Positive character in the novel is, however, undoubtedly sister Veronica. She also made a choice. Overcame his dislike of Jews before the war, she tried to help them care for the children. Adapted them to life in a new, specifically designed for them cruel and tragic world. In this way, contributed to their rescue. Joanna experience helped Fichtelbaum and son of Jewish dentist named Hirschweld. Triptych The Last Judgement by Hans Memling brush was built between 1464 - 1473. Author shed their ideas of Paradise, Hell and Purgatory on canvas and created a stunning amount of color and full of symbolism of the work, which the view is breathtaking breasts. In the central part of the triptych is Purgatory. In the middle is (probably) the Archangel Gabriel in a golden, jeweled armor. Its wings shimmer with the purest colors of the rainbow and golden curls gently floating down jacket covered with golden arms. The hair on the forehead is woven gold cross, a symbol of belonging to God. Gabriel holds a brass weight with a handle in the shape of a cross. It is used to weigh the human deeds - the good and the infamous. Archangel watching over his head, Jesus Christ himself. Shrouded in a red robe, a symbol of victory. Sitting on a rainbow that illuminates its beautiful colors the whole picture. Underfoot is golden globe, which means his reign over the World and the creatures living on it. With his mind, there are two things - white lily, symbol of purity and innocence, but also the red-glowing sword, signifying divine punishment, punishment for their sins. These two items show the way - lily to heaven and hell sword. Jesus offers golden glow around them (halo), it seems to say, Here I am, your Messiah, come to save you.. On either side of Jesus sitting (or kneeling) holy (or apostles), together with Mary and Joseph. Above them hover in the hands of angels holding items Passion - the cross, whips, hammer and nails and the crown of thorns. In contrast, under the clouds, on which they sit, DMAC Angels fly in the grating, as in the Apocalypse of St. John (end of the world had come to the sound of these very instruments). On both sides of the Archangel Gabriel, there are two places that we can go - Hell and Heaven. He, in turn, treading on the lands of Purgatory. Around it there are a lot of naked people who are waiting for the judgment. People are still coming, from far away coming out of their graves to stand in line and be judged. Those on the side of Heaven, stand quietly and governance. They know that they deserve eternal life in Paradise, they are sure of their good works, many of them have hands folded in prayer. Hell, people on the side of panic, they try to run, crying and begging for one last chance. The Devils are already rubbing their hands at the sight of them and rushed them toward Darkness. Hell is full of screams and fear. People cry, tear their hair out and repent of their sins. The range of colors (right) part of the triptych is very dark. People face contorted in terrible pain, and Devils unscrupulous torn them on the ground, throwing stones and push in the fire of hell. Some try to escape, but the monsters stick their claws or fangs sink in the bodies of the unfortunate. Demons massively push people into the fire and glowing stones and laugh at the same time terribly. People burn and writhe in pain and horror realize that this ordeal will last for eternity. The left part of the triptych shows the stairway to heaven. Just before the first the step you can see a green, fresh grass, among which we can see the flowers (including lilies). In the Bible, Raj was presented as a heavenly meadows and pastures. This part of the work is clear and transparent. Naked people going up the marble stairs to meet with St. Peter, who holds the key to the Gate of Heavenly. At higher levels of people pass by the angels, who hand their garments in the wonderful, pure colors. Only then reach the Gates of Paradise. Above their heads, singing and playing instruments on millions of Angels. Fighting evil character depends on his ability, often educational, physical conditions. Also on the state of his psyche, eager to work and willingness to help others. In modern literature, we find a reflection of problems that have plagued and human plague of the twentieth century. This literature makes a deep analysis of the mechanisms that limit the freedom of man, his psyche degenerate, burn sensitivity. At the same time develops patterns of behavior literature that should be taken in the face of a man embarrassing systems. So it does not allow modern man forget his dignity, a place in life, his freedom and into the responsibility not only for their own lives, but also for the lives of others. The battle between good and evil will always be the main motive literary. In principle, the good always wins, but not always
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:47:30 +0000

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