Good companies will meet needs;great companies will create - TopicsExpress


Good companies will meet needs;great companies will create markets.” 5. Too often, business leaders confuse highGrowth with high performance. They may takeunwise risks in their businesses to maximize Short – or mid-term profitability…” mid- 6. Underestimating chaos can lead to strategies that neitherdefend a company against its vulnerabilities nor allow it to take advantage of the opportunities arising from chaos. 7. “There is an immutable conflict at work in life and inbusiness, a constant battle between peace and chaos.Neither can be mastered, but both can be influenced. How you go about that is the key to success.” success.” 8. “The future is not ahead of us. It has already happened. Unfortunately it unequally distributed among companies, industries, and nations.” 9. “It is more important to do what is strategically right than what is immediately profitable.” 10. “Today you have to run faster to stay in place.” 11. “Many businesses are wisely turning their suppliers and distributors into valued partners.” 12. “Your company does not belong inmarkets where it cannot be the best.” 13. “Successful “go-to-market” strategies require integrating retailers, wholesalers, and logistical organizations.” 14. “The marketing organization will have to redefine its role from managing customer interactions to integrating and managing all the company’s customer- customer-facing processes.” 15. Theres a big movement to say, were not just adding servicesto our business and our product, were actually trying to design an experience. Youll see that language being used. Were in the experience design business. 16. “Companies worry too much about the cost of doing something. They should worry about the cost of not doing it.” 17. Cost is of no importance in setting the price.It only helps you to know whether you should be making the product. 18. I would rather improve my business every day than depend on a breakthrough every year. 19. The major cause of company failure is company success. 20. CUSTOMERS 21. “Good customers are an asset which, when wellmanaged and served, will return a handsome lifetime income stream for the company.” company.” 22. “We are living in a world that is no longer facing ashortage of goods, but a shortage of customers.” 23. “It is no longer enough to satisfy your customers. You must delight them.” 24. “With the advent of the internet, customers are able to compare priceseasily and this has raised the importance of pricing among the 4Ps. Thatbeing said, branding is still crucial. Customers will not necessarily go for the cheapest brand. However, they are more than likely to buy their preferred brand from the retailer offering the lowest price.” 25. “The internet will create the winnerand bury the laggards.” 26. “The most important thing is to forecast where customers are moving, and be in front of them.” 27. “Our job is to wake up the consumers. If webecome predictable, that’s not waking them up.” up.” 28. “Who should ultimately design the product? The customer, of course.” 29. “The best way to hold customers isto constantly figure out how to give them more for less.” 30. “Every business is a service business. Does your service put “a smile” on the smile” customer’s face?” 31. “The best advertising is done by satisfied customers.” 32. “The successful salesperson cares first for the customer, second for the products.” 33. We should think of owning a word or a phrase that helps to build customerretention and loyalty. Look at how we buy the Mercedes because its the bestengineered car. We buy a BMW because its the best driving performance. We buy the Volvo because its the safest automobile. A lot of these companies lose that edge too, but they dont lose the impression. impression. 34. There are still too many CEOs who identify marketing withselling and advertising. But marketing has evolved to be not only product centered but customer centered.” centered.” 35. Every business is a service business. You are not a chemical company.You are a chemical services business. 36. I dont care what happened to your profits. Have you improved your share of the customers mind and heart this year? 37. MARKETING 38. Marketing is the delivery of experience. experience. 39. “Marketing takes day to learn. Unfortunately ittakes a lifetime to master” 40. “If the marketer does a good job of identifying consumer needs, developing appropriate products, and pricing, distributing, and promoting them effectively, these good wills sell very easily.” 41. The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you arenot a brand, you are a commodity. Then price is everything and the low-cost producer is the only winner. 42. Building a brand is a roll-out process, not a drop everywhere in the world at one time. The key to brand-building is to have something good that you roll- out in a very intelligent way. Maybe even invisibly for a while because you want to be under the radar screen of competitors. 43. “Marketing is not the art of finding cleverways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.” 44. “Integrated marketing communications are away to examine the entire marketing process from the point of view of the receiver.” 45. “Integrated marketing communications is a way of looking at the whole marketing process from the view point of the customer.” 46. “Authentic marketing is not the art of sellingwhat you make but knowing what to make.” make.” 47. Too much of today’s marketing is 1P marketing. Companies mainly concentrate on promotion and sales and disregard product, price and place (distribution). This results in ineffective marketing. 48. Marketers influence demand by making theproduct appropriate, attractive, affordable, and easily available to target consumers. 49. “Today’s smart marketers don’t sellproducts; they sell benefit packages” 50. “Marketing is becoming a battle bases more on information than on sales power”. 51. “Don’t buy market share. Figure out how to earn it.” 52. “Watch the product life cycle; but more important, watch the market life cycle.” 53. “Sell value, not price.” 54. Todays smart marketers dont sell products; they sell benefit packages. They dont sell purchase value only; they sell use value. 55. Marketers influence demand by makingthe product appropriate, attractive, affordable, appropriate, attractive, affordable, and easily available to target consumers. consumers. 56. We are saying youve got to understand and choose the customers you want to serve.Dont just go after everyone. Define the target market carefully through segmentation and then really position yourself as different and as superior to that target market. Dont go into that target market if youre not superior. 57. “Marketing is the art and science of choosing targetmarkets and building profitable relationships with them; it’s the art of demand management.” 58. “There is only one winning strategy. It is tocarefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market.” 59. “If markets are to be segmented and cultivated, they mustmeet certain requirements. Segments must be Measurable, Substantial, Accessible, Differentiable, and Actionable.” 60. “Establish channels for different targetmarkets and aim for efficiency, control, and adaptability.” 61. “It has become increasingly important for marketing professionals to speak the language of the CFO. A financial background allows marketers to better quantify the anticipated impact of any campaign, which in turn aids in greater buy-in.” 62. COMPETITORS 63. Our business practices are no different thanthose of our competitors. But we are bigger,and thus more visible, so we get more flack. 64. “Poor firms ignore their competitors; average firms copy their competitors; winning firms lead their competitors.” 65. You should never go to battle before youve won the war on paper. paper. 66. “Competitive advantage is a companys ability to perform in one or more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.” 67. The worst thing is that if something works, your competitors are going to clone it and before you know it anything that you had as a differentiator is imitated by theothers. So youre in the business of constant innovation. Constantly asking yourself, Three years from now, what will our differentiator be? 68. We are not in a state of competition anymore; were in a state of hyper- hyper-competition. So people are desperately looking for handles -- functional features, emotional appeals -- that will draw people to their product. 69. Urging protectionism to save your business is a sure way to lose it. 70. Every company should work hard to obsolete its product line... before competitors do. 71. The Research and Development department - - not the sales department - - should be held accountable for a products success. 72. “The key to branding, especially for smaller firms, is to focus on a limited number of issue areas and develop superb expertise in those areas.” 73. The future isnt ahead of us. It has already happened. Thank You Very Much Sompong Yusoontorn
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:22:34 +0000

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