Good day and Merry Christmas to all you wonderful people out - TopicsExpress


Good day and Merry Christmas to all you wonderful people out there. This is my third Christmas in London, away from my family. This year around though Im spending it with a friend who has proven himself worthy, supportive and kind hearted. A friend who has been there for me when I was in need, a friend who has always been positive and made me see things in a more relaxed and different perspective when I was in panic mode. Thank you very much Niko mou! I have to say that this year around I havent really felt the Christmas spirit, yeah I know I live in London where its full of lights and carols and people shopping around but the constant advertising and mass consumerism has just overshadowed the true magic of Christmas.People go around spending all this money for presents that will most probably be forgotten after a few days. Presents have come to represent the amount of love we have for each other, the more the presents or the more expensive it is the better. Its so sad really, especially when millions of people are uneducated working hard for a few coins, to survive, you will receive and buy gifts that you simply do not need. But in the end of the day, this magikal feeling of Christmas is inside us not in objects and surroundings. Its moments of laughter and fun, enjoying a good meal and a glass of wine with a friend or simply sharing tangerines with a person you just met. Its feeling so happy you cannot stop smiling and enjoying the beautiful weather. All I wanted for Christmas I got!I wanted my close family and friends to be well and happy.I want to know that they are all having a good time.Knowing that all the people I love are happy is the greatest gift of them all.All I need is that warm feeling inside me that makes me feel content. Merry Christmas Everyone and remember that all you really do need is love
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:10:05 +0000

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