Good day everyone, I hope you holiday season is going well? - TopicsExpress


Good day everyone, I hope you holiday season is going well? Each year this Christmas season is upon us and it’s the most delightful time of the year for so many, but for some it’s not so good. So each year I have decided to do something different than just the traditional gift giving and writing the same donation checks out to an organization which focuses on certain causes, but I never get to see the instantaneous help my donation may bring. Do not get me wrong, it’s a great thing and I am happy so many people do give at this time of the year. Each year, from this point on I am going to seek out someone that I really believe needs help, and share that you my friends on Facebook and maybe we can make someone’s life a little easier for at least through the holidays. This person I choose to help this year was someone that reached out to me years ago when I lost my job at Verizon, when he was still employed at Verizon, and only reached out to me just to say, “I read your story online and I am so sorry to see what you and your family has gone through. I just wanted to email you to tell you that I am going to say a prayer for you and your family.” And that was it. I never knew this person, nor have we ever met prior to that email. He did this out of his kind heart and I was simply amazed. His name is Michael Mirsky and his story will break your heart. The most amazing thing is that a few years later he became a target of Verizon’s wrath, lost his job and lost everything he had in the process. This person never knew that his job would be in jeopardy years after he had initially contacted me, just to offer me a prayer of hope. Over that last few years, he lost his position at Verizon (after being bullied at work and having heart complications), lost his family in the process (due to the overwhelming stress it caused), and has fell so far back in every bill he had, but never once lost his faith in God. His home is in foreclosure, he lives in his basement with no heat just with an electric heater and cannot get the aid he needs because he has a home still in his name, so this disqualifies him for any state and federal aid as he’s over the limit for assistance. Once making a respectful wage to support his family (wife and daughter), and now much older so he’s basically unemployable because of his age as he’s suffering each day just to make ends meet! He has no unemployment income and is basically living like a homeless person, in his unheated foreclosed home in the basement in New Jersey. I’ve been there and if it was not my family, and great friends, I would have lost it all as well. I was blessed to have so many great people in my life so I was lucky, real lucky. So today, my friend needs help! On my own I decided to send this out to all of you to say, “If you can contribute even $5.00 to a great cause, he’s a great cause I promise you, it would be so helpful to my friend Mike. I have had the opportunity to have gotten to know Michael Mirsky for a few years now and as bad as he’s fallen in life, he’s never asked for help from anyone. I respect him for this but to me, this is what Christmas is about. I want you to watch this documentary on Michael H. Mirsky. When I was approached from a Director on workplace bullying and he was looking for someone to interview, Mike was the first person who came to mind and you will see why! Also, the New York Times December 11, 2014 did an article and it had Mike’s photos with a short clip on the side of it, and he will be featured in another article soon. It was called: “The Vanishing Male Worker: How America Fell Behind.” New York Times December 11, 2014 (click on slide show – Out of Work Force, and Not Happy About It) nytimes/2014/12/12/upshot/unemployment-the-vanishing-male-worker-how-america-fell-behind.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=photo-spot-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&abt=0002&abg=1&_r=0#slideshow/100000003298693/100000003298708 So friends, if you can find it in your heart to help Mike, here is his contact information. If all you have is a prayer in your heart, send him a text or email to let him know. During these holiday seasons, I believe it’s important to let people know we care! Michael H. Mirsky 284 Main Street Port Murray, NJ. 07865 973-876-5597 Serena1963284@gamil Ty so much for your time and Merry Christmas! Neal Dias
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 22:21:30 +0000

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