Good day fbfriends and Aboriginal khoisan For how long will we - TopicsExpress


Good day fbfriends and Aboriginal khoisan For how long will we allow the intimidation and the devide and rule tactics of this racist govt the rewriting of the history of the strugle of the khoisan contribute largely to the exstinction of the khoisan strugling history over the last 500years by the hands of the romans/ colonial invaders like the english portegeuse now the new onslaught of wiping out the khoisan strugles and genocide by this govt with a hundred years of strugle the 1913native act is not a sole strugle the nguni got 15%of khoisan customary land by the colonial invaders and suport to regroup and build out and develop their cultural practices and languages While the khoisan was left to suffer the curfew of tresspass slave labour ,lawfull dop system and inhuman treatment and pollsmoore for petty crime ,nobody want to tuch on the humanrites violation of the hotnot woman and children during the alartheid years asspecialy from 1959when the land expropriated land act was pass the curfew of tresspass was implimented to keep the person of colour away from the customary places the places where children used to swim and play .children who did not know about tresspass was caned as punnishment in the place i grow up Prince Alfred Hamlet we Were caned by the police for tresspass some of us was not even ten years old this was some of the intimidation who cracked our families to give up and this was part of the syco the apartheid govt used the braking up of the social structures .land and small holding was disposes without telling the customary owner life stock was shot or taken to the municipal skutt without your consent .we cant allow this current intimidation by govt and the act 41organisations currently mushroomed at a speed to cary on to sell the aboriginal strugle and customary rite for a seat around the table of govt this govt has from 1993 has shown that they dont reconise the aboriginal people therfore their economic policies was based on exclusion of the aboriginal khoisan only around black and white .I call on activist to join hands with me to cellegrate the strugle heros of the khoisan lets remember the wars in the cape,karroo actualy the cale colony think of hary first on Roben eiland many was caltured in the karoo and elsewhere in the colony send to RobenEiland and later send to Australia as political prisoners and slaves they paid the ultimate price with there life in a foreign country for resisting the english visit Mamre in louwskloof is a grave yard of khoisan woriors who died in the 1820English invasion melbos strand we need to celebrate our peoples strugles The worse thing that can hapened is when some one told me the other day he is a high ranking ofici you has stan with the boere now we ar in charge you gave away your birth rite he has regret it and he will neva be the same again so aborigin khoisan this time im embarking on puting focus on the genocide and history but im engaing isues pertaining the role the commonweth countries played
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:31:51 +0000

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