Good day, mortals! Lets talk mortal existence & I have a small - TopicsExpress


Good day, mortals! Lets talk mortal existence & I have a small suggestion for you guys. Ready? Ndayambapo: If I died today, would I be happy with the life Ive lived?--Me. Have you ever asked yourself this question? Because I have. I do. And very often too. No, its not an obsession with death but rather a reality check to see if Im living the art of being fully human, if Im pushing to live up to my fullest potential. Do the people I love know I love them? Am I one of the best examples of love and am I doing what Ive always wanted to do? Ahhh, so many questions to live and for the first time I feel like Im doing a lot of things Im happy about. But it feels like its never enough... because there is always so much more to be. Do you ever feel this way too? I do. Maybe thats the fun part about life; there is always more to discover, always more life to live. However, death is always hovering in our lives--the threat that we ignore so we can go on with our lives. Ill see you tomorrow! Well do it next week. Ill call her one day. These are remarks we make hoping we live until then. We are so optimistic, we mortals. Its kind of cute when you think about it--how optimistic we are. We are always living a near-death experience, yet we choose to see life as a longer time span than our fates might will. Staying alive becomes a challenge because everyday we try not to die. We create ideas like Carpe diem, live the moment and YOLO to strengthen our hearts with a positive and empowering essence for our lives. Mortals, ask yourselves--If I died today, would I be happy with the life Ive lived or would I be pissed off that I died too quickly and didnt say, do or be what I wanted? That is the question. Most people who know they are about to die talk about how they wish they had done things that WE can do now. We can DO NOW, so we dont regret. Some wont live another day like we are. So heres a small request--I encourage you all to reach out to: people you love and care about people you havent spoken to in a while people youre mad at but truly love people you said mean things to or avoided because of pride people you see everyday and forget or put off telling them you love them people whom you think should automatically know you love them Tell them you love them. Grab your phone, call them, text them, email them, send a smoke signal or pigeon message. Make them feel special. Let them know before its too late. Why? Because it feels good. Finally, do one thing youve always wanted to do. Work towards it--if you die while doing it, at least youll be happy you were pursuing it. Its one thing to seek the meaning of life, but I think whats more important is living the art of being fully human because in the process, you give life meaning. Use your potential, be the best YOU you can ever be. What more can one ask for when given one shot at life? If I died today, would I be happy with the life Ive lived? That is the question. Have a happy-to-be-alive Tuesday, mortals :)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:20:43 +0000

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