Good evening Black america out of the west. Just sitting here as I - TopicsExpress


Good evening Black america out of the west. Just sitting here as I usually do in the golden silence of my mind. reflecting and looking back on my life. You see, I am thinking about those wars I have been in. I am not talking about wars in the military, I am reflecting on those wars I was engaged in against my enemy. I grew up in a time when racism was till a legalized law. In the post world war II black community black people were married, had jobs, owned homes, and were moving on up. Everything was according to the norm of the black social environment. it had to be politically correct. As a child i was expected to MIND and do what I was told. I did this under fear though. Fear of getting beat to death if I disobeyed the RULE OF NORM! I did not realize at the time though that I had a warrior spirit. Because everytime I would get a beating it only made me more angry. My household were masons and eastern stars. They did not command they demand. This within itseldf was trauma. I had a rebellion in me that was growing, and as i began to grow that rebellion burst out of me in a rage that detention could only quell. I did not realize even then that i was an African warrior put on this planet to do battle with this beast. This is still my mindset to this very day. I shared with you this brief illustration of my life because I would like for other people out there that have this spirit to know that it is a divine spirit. One of war that come to fight not to reason, ask, beg, march, or sing. I have lost many childhood friends who grew up to be Panthers. They now have long rest in peace. But their spirit is with me. It has made me stronger. Most of us lived in good homes but even as little kids we seen what was going down. Needless to say black america my life have not been one of experiencing the american dream. Yet i have remained true to my blackness. I determined in me a long time ago that i was not going to let these devils break my spirit. I gave up a life of house nigga success to keep my integrity. many of you wiill scream and say that everyone who made it is not a house nigga. Okay..........Whatever you want to roll with. I have seen them all. They are house niggas to the bone. They will sell you in a heartbeat just for their own self gratification. Some people tell me that I think I know everything. Its not that i have just been where you may have not gone and seen what you have not witnessed. Dont get mad at the messenger. Pay attention to the message. There is an old saying in street life that goes...............the game is to be sold not told. Those who know dont tell and those who tell dont know. Black america the white man is selling his game. He has played on the whole planet. He is not telling just selling and guess who is doing all the buying?? 1.1 trillion dollars annually Black America in CONSUMPTION. hat figure just stick in my mind. 50 million black people divided by 1.1 trillion given away annually would sum up to millions for each oone of us if we were to stop spending with people that are robbing us with bullshit merchandise. For me Black america im going to stay true to my spirit. I am going to keep rollin just like i always have. with you or without you i am going to stay black and shove down their throat when they step out of line. On the other tip I am going to share with you what god has given me to share and that is my black mind. call me whatever you want, just dont call me late for dinner.....................peace and strength to my warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brother Roy
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 07:09:01 +0000

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