Good evening Dragoon families and friends, today was an - TopicsExpress


Good evening Dragoon families and friends, today was an interesting day as we had to adjust our schedules a bit as the weather came in and forced us to move a few things around. Nothing major really, and some of us got a little wet, but at the end of the day everyone had accomplished all of their assigned missions. And now for the training update: Alpha Company (Week 7): A Company conducted Advanced Rifle Marksmanship and spent a good portion of the day mastering the Close Combat Optic in the Engagement Skills Trainer—a large small arms simulator. Later on in the day the company went out for a run and got some exercise in before the skies opened up and dumped a bunch of rain on us. Bravo Company (Week 2): B Company spent the day learning about how to wear their gas masks properly. The culminating event was the “gas chamber” where the trainees wore their masks in a room filled with tear gas. I was lucky enough to arrive in time to go through the gas chamber with many of your loved ones. At first the trainees thought that the experience was unpleasant, but afterwards most of them were smiling and talking about how much fun it was—a few even boasted that they were ready to go through it again! Charlie Company (Week 8): C Company spent the latter half of the day conducting Advanced Rifle Marksmanship shooting live rounds at the range. Tonight they will go “hot” again and do their night fire exercises. It will likely be a very exciting training event. Delta Company (Week 3): D Company went out to the obstacle course and learned how to get over many of them by working together as a team. Later, they spent the wetter half of our day in classrooms learning how to operate radios and other communication equipment. Echo Company (Week 2): E Company spent their day learning First Aid and working toward their Combat Life Saver certification. Tomorrow they will finish up the training and take their exams—wish them luck as they attempt to get “CLS” certified. It was a great day today—if not a bit soggy. The old Army saying goes “If it’s not raining, we’re not training.” Today we were definitely training. “By Force and Valor!” Lieutenant Colonel Gries Dragoon 6
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 00:11:56 +0000

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