Good evening Fort Worth - Dallas and galaxies far - TopicsExpress


Good evening Fort Worth - Dallas and galaxies far beyond......another beautiful evening at Leibrock Village........a day filled with errands, emptying boxes, mailing packages, waiting for deliveries that dont come, obnoxious fire alarm and conversation with my dear sweet DebiSu, and so the day flowed with grace........sunshine bright.......soft cold sky rolling with a few white clouds here and there........I have loved and rejoiced in this day - been thankful and grateful for on many levels and ways........I love my life - this time and place I discover myself anew in.......who will I exciting the prospect..... married to a woman thats beautiful and kind - wise and ever so funny - fierce in her zeal for love and justice - healing and hope - in the middle of a religious community once again.......Im not a student, teacher, administrator - I am here to love, care for and support DebiSu while she studies and deepens her relationship with God - and - to write, read, ponder, reflect, do introspection, pray and deepen my relationship with God and this new community Ive been invited into. Who could fail to be grateful for such gifts. praise God! Praise God! Praise Her Holy Name! And.....I do praise heart open - humble in the presence of Her goodness and grace.....I am constantly amazed and profoundly appreciative of all the worlds Her hands have made.....when I stand in the startling cold night with a huge silver moon with just a shadow of orange filling the darkness of the night sky with such luminosity one might almost think daylight had recaptured the skies. I praise God for the diversity in nature - trees, lizards, flowers, birds - sometimes when I sit on the back porch with my brother in Louisiana watching all the different and most often spectacular birds that stop to feed at the many feeders Susan, my sister-in-law has placed on trees and other vantage points around the yard I think I could spend the rest of my life just watching and studying birds......interesting, smart, and unusual creatures - and lovely. I praise God for life, for earth and all that exists beyond us........I praise the God for the opportunity to walk on this planet - to love people and other learn about peace and all the possibilities that rest in human ability to love without judgment or conditions. I praise God for my brother and his splendid family - their children.......for my sisters and the beautiful children they left behind to remind us always of them. I praise God for Her mystery and magic. I praise Her simply because She is worthy to be praised. Some more gratitudes regarding people in my life I am grateful and thankful for........: Sheila Coughlin for being a good friend - one of the best in my life - in many ways - coming into my life at a time when I really needed companionship and support. Sheila brought me into her family and tribe.......allowing me to become a friend and hopefully a mentor to her lovely daughters, Jerica and Jordan. I trust her, will always love her and know that should I ever be in need she would be there to help. Her strength, amazing sense of humor, and acceptance are treasures she shares generously and I have benefitted from on many occasions. I pray an uneventful and fully joyous new year for her and her family. I will always be grateful and thankful that she walks on the planet. Im grateful for Carol Morgan and the friendship she has unconditionally offered me these past 8 or 9 years......her willingness to allow me the freedom, space and time to vent and grieve and do whatever expression of emotional upheaval I might have been going through. I appreciate her loyalty, warmth, good humor. Weve seen some hard times and some good times.......and probably will again and I trust - no matter what - we shall always be friends. There are many, many people past and present for I am grateful for......prayerfully I will get to all of them in due time.......I cant close this post tonight without saying how grateful I am for Facebook.......primarily because it has reconnected me to MCC folks and friends, warriors and preachers I walked through this world with for many years......I am moved, moved, moved by these reconnections and re-affirmed in my convictions that we were and continue to be part of one of the most significant and exciting liberation movements of the 20th - 21st centuries. All of you MCC folks out there in the world wherever you may be know - I am grateful for you and all the ways you helped me be who I am today. We were great. I thank you and love you and bless you. Evening Prayer: Abba/Mama/God thank you for this day......for all I experienced and forgive me for the good stuff I know I missed. Help me do better tomorrow. Bless those I love and the strangers I encountered today. Help us love and be peace. Bless our rest this night and prepare us with eagerness for tomorrow. In all things we praise you honor you and give you glory. Hallelujah and Amen!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 02:22:00 +0000

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