Good evening Heavenly Father My God Jehova I come to thank You for - TopicsExpress


Good evening Heavenly Father My God Jehova I come to thank You for giving me another opportunity to be Your Servent . Thank You for today is been a blessing working for You My God there nothing in this World that gives me more pleasure then to work for You My Lord. Tonight I come to asked You permission to Teach Your Word and not mine, because the Word that I Teach is Your. Thank You My God Jehova I asked You to give me the wisdom and knowledge to represent Your Word in Jesus Christ Name Amen. Good evening my Navajo Nation my People and all the Native American Tribes from the 4 corners of the American Land and all my brothers and sisters from around the World. Tonight I will be Teaching about ( The duties of a Husband and Wife ) not only in a Christian Marriage but in every Marriage because we all humanity belong to My God. After we finish with path of life we will get what we deserve in Jesus Christ Name Amen. EPHESIANS 5 : 22 - 23 This chapter is a mass of overlapping chiastic structures ( please see the teaching tools of Scripture if you are unfamiliar with chiastic structures ) ! These are from the section on ( husband and wife ) . EPHESIANS 5 : 22 - 24 1a) EPH 5 : 22 Wifes ,submit to your own Husband, as to The Lord; 1b) EPH 5 : 23 A , For the Husband is head of the Wife ,as also Christ is The Head of the Church; central EPH 5 : 23 B ,He is The Savior of the body ; 2b) EPH 5 : 24 A , Therefore , just as the Church is subject To Christ; 2a) EPH 5 : 24 B , So let the Wifes be to their own Husband in everthing . Gods w a y work .... Wifes are submit to their Husband just as the body submits to the head . Lisen, this isnt denigrating to Wifes.... Men and Women have different strengths and God is wise enough to encourage each one to operate in their best strength, if we were to continue the body companion , ( speaking generically ) the Husband is the brain ( head ) of the family while the Wife is the head ( body ) . The family, to be whole and healthy, needs both the head and the heart . The body cant live without the brain or the heart . EPH 5 : 25 - 28 EPH 5 : 25 , Husbands love your Wifes just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for Her ; 1b) EPH 5 : 26 , That He might sanctify + cleanse Her with washing by The Word ; EPH 5 : 27 a, That He might present Her to Himself a Glorious Church; 2b) EPH 5 : 27 B, not having a spot or a wrinkle but that She should be Holy with out blemish; 2a) EPH 5 : 28 , Husband out to love their Wife as there bodies ; He who loves His Wife loves Himself. Christ has the right to be Head of the Church, for He gave Himself for the Church, Love is the foundation stone of leadership. Authority of the Head is given to Him to Bless those under Him ,not to be Blessed. He uses his authority to serve to build up to present others. EPH 5 : 28 - 33 A 1a) EPH 5 : 28 Husband ought to love their wifes as there bodies ; He who loves His Wife loves Himself; 1b) EPH 5 : 29 No one hates His Flesh ,but nourishes + cherishes it ,just as the Lord does the Church; 1c) EPH 3 : 30 ,For we are members of His Holy Body,of His Flesh and of His bones ; EPH 5 : 31 A Man shall leave His Father + Mother and be joined to His Wife 2c) EPH 5 : 31 , The two shall become one Flesh ; 2b) EPH 5 : 33 A , Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love His own Wife as Himself. The Lord God first created man ,then separated woman from him ,and then joined them together again in marriage. Paul is Teaching us that this mistery concern Christ and the Church. Marriage, in other words ,is one of the Universe to teach us about Himself. It blows my mind that Christ nourishes and Cherishes me and us , as He does His own Person . He left His Father in order to come and win us ..... and one day ( soon ) the marriage supper of the Lamb will come ...... Thank you my Navajo Nation my People and all the Native American Tribes from the 4 corners of the Americas And all my brothers and sisters from the 4 corners of the World May My God Jehova Father Bless you all in Jesus Christ Name Amen YOUR FRIEND AND BROTHER PASTOR RAY BLACKEAGLE ♡ 786-362-4311 I LOVE YOU ALL IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 04:15:21 +0000

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