Good evening. Im LittleBjelke. As you know, each Friday I award - TopicsExpress


Good evening. Im LittleBjelke. As you know, each Friday I award the Shame Files Friday F#ckwit for excelling in state political effluent over the past seven days. Show me a week in QLD politics and Ill show you a bunch of f#ckwits. Lets begin with that f#ckwitted Gold Coast MP Roid Rage Ray Stevens. It seems Ray forgot his soothing LNP endorsed haemorrhoid lotion earlier in the week. The flare up occurred when he was quizzed about his absolutely f#ckwittingly obvious conflict of interest Sky Rail project. You see Roid Rage Ray will moonlight as both an adviser and investor in the project while maintaining his role as an MP. Really? Not only that he stands to make $$millions. F#ckwit. Refusing to answer any questions, he began flapping his arms, dancing, and waving his hands at the reporter, waving away questions and making snapping actions with his hands. He thankfully stopped short of pulling down his beige slacks and baring his saggy arse cheeks. Besides a striking resemblance to Moe the bartender from the Simpsons he is also a f#ckwit. How about the Father of two who thought it best if he letterbox dropped Ashgrove residents, pleading with them to vote for Campbell The Lotion Newman. F#ckwit. Ive heard reports that forensics tests have shown there to be traces of a male bodily fluid on the letters possibly discharged while in the act of writing. F#ckwit. The 49% of Ashgrovians who incomprehensibly plan to still vote for Newman. What? Have they lived under a rock for the last 3 years? It seems theyve got some of the little mans pork on their forks? F#ckwits. Did you see the man who would be king, Tim The Beef Nicholls still cant rule out whether Queenslanders will have to buy back the states assets at the end of their lease. The Beef smugly informed us that we didnt need to know all the answers yet, only that the government had a strong plan. Hmmm. Thats real reassuring. F#ckwit. And his dirty little beefers parking his campaign car across the entrance of the local Labor launch in Clayfield. F#ckwits You must admit that the f#ckwitted Queensland political toilet bowl was in need of a rather large plunger this week. So without further adieu lets get down to the business end. As voters and politicians consume a bent banana and a cup of lucozade lies in preparation to splatter along into the last week of the election f#ckwitathon, there could only be one Strong (Whos Your Daddy) F#ckwit. Desperate men do f#ckwittingly desperate things. This weeks winner has rejected accusations of pork-barreling in his seat of Ashgrove. Really? What doesnt he understand? Even though hes spent $100 million in the electorate since coming to power and promised another $18 million as part of his pre-election pork barreling. But hes proudly labelled it the Ashgrove Plan. A barrel by any other name would smell as pork? Strong (Whos Your Daddy) Choices?. F#ckwit. Up for a bit of political blackmail? This f#ckwit is holding a gun to the head of the electorate by saying he will not guarantee election promises in seats his LNP does not win. That includes his own electorate of Ashgrove. Vote against us and your dead to us? Dead to us I say.... F#ckwit. Is it any wonder that this piece of work refused to say why his LNP will not commit to the four principles of accountability and good governance outlined in an open letter from 50 prominent Australians. It seems those words arent in his vocabulary. Strong (Whos Your Daddy?) Choice? F#kwit. Heres an idea. Sack 4820 health workers which cost millions of tax payer dollars in redundancy packages. Then rehire about half just before the election. Hmmmm. It sure smells funny in here. Can someone open a window? Is that an example of a Strong (Whos Your Daddy?) Choice? F#ckwit. He emailed LNP members asking them to Join HIM and sign the petition to take a stand against new taxes. Bizarre. What does he think LNP supporters signing an LNP petition supporting an LNP leader actually achieve? Is that a Strong (Whos Your Daddy) Choice? F#ckwit. Police Union boss Ian Levers, ex LNP colleague Dr Chris Davis and the Talking Parrot all labelled this intellectual pygmy a liar this week. I know 20,000 public servants whove been saying the same thing for the last two and a half years. F#ckwit. Finally theres the utter filth filtering from the Acland Coal Mine f#ckwitted fiasco. This f#ckwits stubby little digits are all over this open-cut coal pie. Dont get what you want just donate more. Is that a Strong (Whos Your Daddy) Choice? F#ckwit. Policy by donation is no way govern. Hes also suing well known Liberal chest beater Alan Jones, 4BC and Fairfax (and anyone who looks at him funny) for defamation over the obviously brown paper bagged deals that are just a common occurrence under this f#ckwits LNP. Vote them out. Ladies and gents. I give you Campbell The Lotion Newman, The Shame Files Friday F#ckwit. Do you agree with the winner? Shame Newman, Shame. -LittleBjelke.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 07:09:11 +0000

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