Good evening Intercessors!!! The lack of prayer meetings - TopicsExpress


Good evening Intercessors!!! The lack of prayer meetings across the land should be cause to sound the alarm from the highest rooftops in every town and city, lack of prayer means lack of God in our midst. The enemy has succeeded in redirecting our priorities to worldly things, to worldly activities, to worldly concerns, to worldly accomplishments. We bare the image of the earthy, we sing, walk, talk like the world, our church services resemble rock concerts, we rely heavily on advertising, the fancier the ads the greater the impact on our target audience and the shiniest, glossiest posters imaginable will help bring in the largest crowds. We must return to Prayer, and that right away, deep heart felt prayer, brokenness of our souls before God, tears of anguish and deep travailing and prevailing prayer. The rising, awakening of the Intercessor is a sure sign from the Heavenlies that God is preparing His people for His arrival, He has begun His mighty move, one by one across every continent around the world Intercessors are stirred, moved upon by Gods Spirit, they rise in the wee ours fully awake fresh, ready and strengthened to go to WAR in Intercession. You must pray with all your might. That does not mean saying your prayers, or sitting gazing about in your church while someone else says them for you. It means fervent, effectual, untiring wrestling with God. This kind of prayer the devil, the world and even your unbelieving nature will oppose, they will try to put out the flame within you with waters of doubt, sleep and cares of this world. But to us as Intercessors, the entire weight of the lost and dying around the globe is nothing we gloss over, but with untiring obligation and obedience we surrender our entire being unto Intercession. Fellow Intercessors, God be with you all tonight as you retire into your private chambers, may He grant us many souls throughout the globe tonight, we would that God be glorified in the dead being raised from all over the world, sights restored, the lame made to walk again, the dumb to begin speaking now, Salvation granted in Ontario, Manitoba, Sask, Alberta, BC, Yellowknife and beyond wherever our Intercessors are praying from tonight. To God be all the glory this night. Amen !!!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 04:02:20 +0000

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