Good evening as much as this country has failed me as - TopicsExpress


Good evening as much as this country has failed me as a citizen,i still try to dish her a plate of love and affection but the more i try to do that,the more it backfires on me. I woke up this morning and ask myself,is our 54 years of independence really worth celebrating? why will i celebrate a country that cannot guarantee my security,a country that has rarely put smiles on my face,a country where unemployment has become a customary phenomenom.what comes to your mind when you remember the Immigration Employment Scam? Although some scholars might argue that Nigerias political problem sprang from the carefree manner in which the british took over and administered the country donkey years back.yet it is worthy to notr that these whitemen are the people that made this country a habitable habitat for all and is so sad to note that after their departure,the country has been enveloped in a miasma of bitterness,infinite corruption,visionless leadership among other negativities. Nigeria, a country blessed with enviable amount of mineral resources,a country once respected by neighbouring countries for flashing the mightier economic and political sword....but the shortest route to success is failure.The prodigal sons have turned the country to a house built by saliva which will surely be demolished by dew.The rivers has turned red,the hills now yield poisonous magma,Disunity and mistrust have now taken over the country. We keep appealing to our leaders to restore the country back to her glory days but unfortunately our plea keeps falling on deaf ears. The youths have now resorted to crime,the ladies now engage in prostitution to make ends meet. Our youths are now being used as political thugs and assassins The situation of the country can now be likened to that of the proverbial fowl that perched on a rope,neither the fowl nor the rope shall know peace.there is a limit to what humans can take. Soonest,the youths being used as thugs and assassins will soon turn back and start eliminating our wicked leaders who send them on evil mission.A yoruba adage says Oko ti a ba so mo ope ni ope n so pada.therefore dont be surprised if one day our youths kickstart a determined revolution. Ilu n kigbe oro!!! Ara n niwa ni Nigeria!!! Things must change and the change begins with you and i Charity,tney say begins at home therefore lets be good to our neignbours.i know for sure that things wont continue like might take a long time but a stammerer will surely call Father. For now,the only thing worth celebrating is the fact that im alive and kicking to witness another new month in 2014,for this i say Alhamdulilah. Revamp Nigeria!!! Unity in Diversity!!!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:17:39 +0000

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